Trip Report: The Birthday Weekend Trail Rides


Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
Cascadia's Birthday is the day after mine, so we hit up AF on Friday for a little Birthday ride. 7-18-14

Started at the Pine Hollow parking lot and headed down the Mutual Dell Connector trail # (which is surprisingly rough).

Then up the Mutual Dell trail to the Timpanooke parking lot (which is pretty rough too).

Over to Salamander Springs and over to the Ridge Trail which we crushed with much speed.

Then up a new direction to a bit of a dead end but it was SO rad. very very rocky and technical. We did a log section with probably 12 downed logs in a 200 yd section.

This is the trail

and the view toward the canyon mouth is pretty cool.


Towards the East.

Another rocky section

We cruised back up mud springs and ran into two dudes that had rode all the way from Midway, one of them was 65 and he was crushing it.
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Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
Once again I forgot to start MyTracks until we were most of the way up the Mutual Dell Trail but...

I think you might be interested in this track:
Created by Google My Tracks on Android
Name: 7/18/2014 2:43pm
Activity type: biking
Description: Pine Hollow start
Total distance: 36.77 km (22.8 mi)
Total time: 2:46:16
Moving time: 2:19:37
Average speed: 13.27 km/h (8.2 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 15.80 km/h (9.8 mi/h)
Max speed: 47.35 km/h (29.4 mi/h)
Average pace: 4:31 min/km (7:17 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 3:48 min/km (6:07 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 1:16 min/km (2:02 min/mi)
Max elevation: 2561 m (8402 ft)
Min elevation: 2054 m (6738 ft)
Elevation gain: 3595 m (11795 ft)
Max grade: 29 %
Min grade: -34 %
Recorded: 7/18/2014 2:43pm

Here is the KMZ file (please DO NOT edit it).
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Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
Then Saturday we met up with two other racers from our USRA class at "7am" and went down to Diamond Fork.

Starting at the 3 rivers? (The one with that goes to the hot pots) parking lot.

This is a pretty gnarly climb. Me and Tyson laced it. While the other two guys didn't have a great time.

The photo doesn't really capture the difficulty of the ledges but there is about a 4" wide area that is possible to go up. Stray off that and you're going to take a ride backwards.

This is the road to Strawberry.

looking back down the trail

We rode down 3rd Water trail which is narrow and smooth and very fast. Then down the road and over to the Saw Mill Rd. trail and back down it... we all crashed at least once.
Then down the road and back to the truck. Where I jumped in the river... and everyone else was too old and boring... ;)

KMz file here

I think you might be interested in this track:
Created by Google My Tracks on Android
Name: Diamond Fork 7/19/2014 9:42am
Activity type: biking
Description: Sawmill also
Total distance: 74.62 km (46.4 mi)
Total time: 4:00:07
Moving time: 3:25:22
Average speed: 18.64 km/h (11.6 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 21.80 km/h (13.5 mi/h)
Max speed: 79.04 km/h (49.1 mi/h)
Average pace: 3:13 min/km (5:11 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 2:45 min/km (4:26 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 0:46 min/km (1:13 min/mi)
Max elevation: 2578 m (8458 ft)
Min elevation: 1662 m (5451 ft)
Elevation gain: 4010 m (13156 ft)
Max grade: 101 %
Min grade: -34 %
Recorded: 7/19/2014 9:42am
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Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
... Then down the road and back to the truck. Where I jumped in the river... and everyone else was too old and boring... ;)

Pics (or video) or it didn't happen! :D (don't you hate it when people say that?)

Sounds like a great ride, looks pretty gnarly too! How were the temps up that high? Looks like it was nice!


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
Your average moving speed is faster than mine when I ride the easy trails!

i need to learn how to ride not just tractor around
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