tubing bender


Well-Known Member
Don't buy it. I bought one, brought it home, kinked one pipe, took it back same day, Harbor Freight employees laughed and said "yeah these always come back"

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
RockMonkey said:
A JD2 will cost about $500. Your roll cage is not the place to get cheap.

or be your first project with the bender.

build some sliders then some bumpers and get used to it before you go gung ho on a cage.


Duct Tape
Syracuse, Utah
Ohh I wouldn't go straight to a cage! but I ultimately would want to build one, and wanted to get the right equipment for everything I want upfront. By cheap, I meant less than a grand...some of the others I had looked at were way above that... I just searched the forum and say the link for the JD2


Duct Tape
Syracuse, Utah
First thing I would like to build would be tube fenders...any ideas of what size of tubing is good, also what type (not just size) of maerial is best to use for fenders, cages, bumpers, sliders etc....

Also, I have spent a lot of time bending brake lines and fuel lines and the such, is it pretty much the same principle just on a larger scale?


Suddenly Enthusiastic
No. There is a ton more to it then there is to bending brake lines. Go to Pirate4x4 and read tube bending 101. It will give you some insight into what is involved. The JD2 model 3 makes great bends and is reasonably priced. Don't get the degree ring, you'll never use it. The dies cost about the same as the bender, so If you don't want to spend too much get the die that you want to use for your cage, and use that size for your tube fenders and bupers and everything. For a normal weight vehicle 1.75" x .120" tube works well. I always use DOM tube, it's not much more expensive than ERW, and it is considerably stronger and more dent-resistant.


Active Member
olly go to ebay and but the race car tube bender they sell full hydraulic and comes with for dies for 900$ i bought it and it works awsome!