Turbo 400 issues???


Well-Known Member
So I am down in Moab with the buggy for its maiden voyage. My brand new rebuilt tranny is having an issue and want to know your thoughts on it. When shifting into reverse it shifts right in. When shifting into 1-3 it just sits there like its in nuetral, you have to throttle it to kick it in gear. Once in gear it shifts fine 1-3 and doesn't slip at all. Any ideas on what this could be? Checked the fluid and it seemed fine. Should I just put it on the trailer or what? :)
I always had to run my TH400 a quart or so overfull to be happy with it. Maybe try that first? :confused:
Do you have a kickdown cable setup on it? Could be the lack of the cable or it needs to be adjusted... That's just what a quick google search had to say. Hope it's something simple!
Not sure how the 400 is, but the 350 in my buggy acted the same until I got it adjusted just right. Getting it dialed-in was a pain.
The 400 doesnt have the Kick down on mine. It seemed to work fine around the block before I left but is now acting up
The cable on a TH400 is a down shift cable. It does not engage the drive. So it should engage 1-3 without delay same as it is doing in reverse. The vacuum modulator tells the trans when to up shift. Most newer modulators have a small screw where the vacuum line attaches for setting the pressure. I use a 1/4 turn at a time til the shift points are where I like them. As from what I have read so far leads me to believe there is an internal problem. But one thing to check without pulling the trans that I have seen cause this. But very uncommon. Check the filter. Pull the pan and see if it is still in place and check to see if the O ring is in good shape.
The cable on a TH400 is a down shift cable. It does not engage the drive. So it should engage 1-3 without delay same as it is doing in reverse. The vacuum modulator tells the trans when to up shift. Most newer modulators have a small screw where the vacuum line attaches for setting the pressure. I use a 1/4 turn at a time til the shift points are where I like them. As from what I have read so far leads me to believe there is an internal problem. But one thing to check without pulling the trans that I have seen cause this. But very uncommon. Check the filter. Pull the pan and see if it is still in place and check to see if the O ring is in good shape.

What he said.

I have seen 727's do the same after a couple days of sitting. ya start and let run in N. Then it is good?
I am thinking it has to come back apart if it is not an issue with the filter or pickup.