

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
I need a whole mess. I need to do a whole irrigation system first. I probably should have dropped off my yard specs for plans a while ago but haven't yet.

I priced a couple last fall.
Biograss 300-1499 sqft $.42 1500+ sqft $.36 plus delivery.
Chanshire $.30 over 2000 sqft free delivery.


Well-Known Member
Twin Falls, ID
I'm not looking forward to this myself. My place has an irrigation system, but it's in unknown shape, and the lawn hadn't been mowed in a year or so when we got it.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
I'm ready to give up on mine and tear it all out for xeriscaping.

This is my plan for the front yard. We've got some garden planters out front and I'm going to put in a couple more and xeriscape the rest. But with two kids and a dog and no park nearby, I gotta have some grass in back. I'm tired of trying to coax the hot mess back there into some semblance of green lushness, so I'm gonna nuke it and start over.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
I see a lot of xeriscaping in Vegas and Arizona. There's a guy I work with who has a house like the one you had in West Jordan, but his is on a 1/2 acre. 100% gravel landscaping covering the entire lot. It looks a little boring, but it also looks clean.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
It should be mentioned that even with weedblock material, you still have to weed those gravel areas. The difference is the weedblock makes it much easier to pull up the weeds. They will grow in the dust and sediment that settles on top of the weedblock. You can spray large gravel areas at weed killer, but it can leech into nearby vegetation. If you drive over gravel with weedblock under it, it will shred the weedblock eventually.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
I get that response from a lot of people. I don't really see an increase of spider activity/webs compared to the other places I've lived. I've had my rock mailbox up for two years now and there isn't a single web in it, though I do have a birds nest in there. I haven't treated my rock for insects or spiders for several years, either. I've used a granular insecticide with fantastic results in the past, actually better results than with the same product on my lawn.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member

I can make something like this work. Good picture