

Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
aren't you a dude? I seriuosly hope there was some sort of compromise wherein you get to go to New York with 4 of your best buddies for New Years in exchange for going to that movie.

I'd probably eat a half fozen whole tomato's while driving in a suzuki samurai while being forced to watch Deep Space Galactica Gate on an iBook that smells like patchouli before I'd go see that movie.
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aren't you a dude? I seriuosly hope there was some sort of compromise wherein you get to go to New York with 4 of your best buddies for New Years in exchange for going to that movie.

I'd probably eat a half fozen whole tomato's while driving in a suzuki samurai while being forced to watch Deep Space Galactica Gate on an iBook that smells like patchouli before I'd go see that movie.

Unless you went with some bangin chick that gave the best **** and promised it for you during part of the movie?

And I had to go see it Saturday......not that great. Bad acting, way too forced. And I tried to sleep during it......
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Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
you "had" to go to it?

Gun to your head?

guys guys guys! Women have to learn that no means no! Stand up for yourselves for once would you?

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
aren't you a dude? I seriuosly hope there was some sort of compromise wherein you get to go to New York with 4 of your best buddies for New Years in exchange for going to that movie.

I'd probably eat a half fozen whole tomato's while driving in a suzuki samurai while being forced to watch Deep Space Galactica Gate on an iBook that smells like patchouli before I'd go see that movie.


My wife went to it and I was not getting anywhere close to it! lol

She didn't even ask by the way, she knows my limits. :rofl:


Formerly WJ ZUK
I had a girl tell me she was glad I wasn't going to go, and it was a good thing:D


By endurance we conquer
I went to it. I thought the books were much better though.

Oh no, now I'll be attacked for my lack of manliness.


Just an Outlaw....
North Salt Lake
aren't you a dude? I seriuosly hope there was some sort of compromise wherein you get to go to New York with 4 of your best buddies for New Years in exchange for going to that movie.

I'd probably eat a half fozen whole tomato's while driving in a suzuki samurai while being forced to watch Deep Space Galactica Gate on an iBook that smells like patchouli before I'd go see that movie.

Hot Chick + Chick Flick = Joel Getting Some :D

we all have to make sacrafice's, mine was worth it:p