I agree that things were not perfect, but over all it was a blast. I have a count of 8 on the trussle trail, 21 on Pinnacle, 24 on Curse, and by the BLMs count of 39 on the Dew, thats a total of 92 4X4s( not counting a few stragglers). The Pinnacle trail was nasty fun and yes we had some problems including; 1 set of D60 shafts, 1 high steer arm, fuel injection problems, 1 D30 shaft, 1 toy berfield joint, 1 zuk berfield joint, 1 roll over, 3 or 4 tires, loads of straps in use and lots of sheet metal adjustments. Those are just what I know about. Thanks to all of you, including Cody who helped wounded 4X4s off the trail. I tried to keep the day layed back and still get off the trail in a reasonable time. For the great majority the personalities were awesome, and so was the ride. The King Crawlers learned a lot and I can't wait for the next U4WDA run.