u4wda making things right! THANKS GUYS!


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
I have recently taken over as membership director for U4WDA. On Sat 08/11/12 I recieved all of the old membership items from the old director I am proccessing all of the new mebers as I can verify who has been through the information I have. I have yet to come accross your information but I will have everything up to date by the end of the month. Sorry for the delay and I appreciate your patience and understanding as I catch up.
Thank you"

i received this email awhile ago and didn't notice it so i apologize for my last post in here about my shirt.

and i wanta thank U4WDA and especially Jack for getting things taken care of and doing all they do to help utah public lands!


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
You are welcome and hope to see you Thursday, tomorrow, at the meeting. 6:30PM, L H Miller Jeep, Sandy, Upstairs.


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
i think i'll be able to make it just depends how long the boss man wants to stay at work

do i just need to bring a notebook and a pen or is there anything special i need to bring