U4WDA members and anyone else interested:


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
At the last U4WDA meeting, I was asked to try and find out who owned what in the area around Rattlesnake and Constrictor, so that we might work out a plan to do some trail restoration (cleanup, closing bypasses).

Given the unfortunate fact that I've been busier than hell in the last week or so this task has gone slower than I had hoped it would, but this is what I've found so far.

The county recorder, who was very generous in digging through old maps and comparing information between those maps, shows nearly all of the Snakes as BLM land, with some mining claims from Barrick (think: Mercur) and a few other small claims. These mining claims are not recorded on their maps with any specific information as to precise location.

Progress with the BLM is slow but I assure you, FORTHCOMING. These trails, along with many others, are in my backyard, and I take exception to those would close them. It is my hope that the BLM will allow us to do the work it will take to keep these trails open. I will be talking to Ray Kelsey, who oversees the area in question, later this afternoon. I'll update this post and let you all know what he says.

So stay tuned, BatFriends.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Yep, working on verifying w/them. Hard to get someone on the dang phone though. :(

I will not quit calling until I get an answer though. :greg:


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away

Finally got in touch with the BLM. A JuLee Pallette, who as near as I can tell is one of the two field officers for the SL District (which is huge), called me back and apologized for the delay in doing so.

I talked with her a little about the general thinking behind the U4WDA, which she seemed to be excited about and thankful for (keeping trails clean, open, accessible to people and NOT wrecked, dirty, and abused), and told her what we wanted to do.

I sent her the nice topo w/GPS co-ords that whoever made (thanks, whoever did that), and dig this:
She is going to try very hard to get out there sometime between now and next Saturday, but probably Saturday, to take a look at the area in question, and hopefully vote us up or down soon thereafter.

This is good news. If she can come out, meet a few people, see who we are and what we're up to, I have every hope that we can show her how awesome at least SOME of UT's 4wd community is and then we will have her on our side in future northern UT endeavors.
I am not sure I can understate how good it is to have her on our side, the Salt Lake District is ENORMOUS. See here to look at it: http://www.blm.gov/ut/st/en.html

anyway, stay tuned. I may need some volunteers to come up the trail with us.


...I may need some volunteers to come up the trail with us.

oooh me me pick me!!!

I'll be open wed afternoon, all of thurs and friday.... if it's to be Sat see if you can steer it after 10:30.... (stupid work)

Edit: maybe tuesday as well


Sandy, Ut
...Finally got in touch with the BLM. A JuLee Pallette, who as near as I can tell is one of the two field officers for the SL District (which is huge), called me back and apologized for the delay in doing so...

JuLee is a great contact... In hindsite I should have had you hook up with her from day one. I've worked with JuLee on several projects... the Constrictor Rodeo removal, NPLD days the last couple years, etc.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Yeah, Steve said she was known to The Organization.... so hopefully this will be one more thing we do that makes them happy. She seems pretty excited that we are coming to them to fix things, so I'm excited too.

I'll get some pics for her tomorrow too.


Formerly Beardy McGee
JuLee is a great contact... In hindsite I should have had you hook up with her from day one. I've worked with JuLee on several projects... the Constrictor Rodeo removal, NPLD days the last couple years, etc.

same Julee with a bee incident up AF last fall??



These go to 11
While we were out with Teraflex we watched a couple of randoms that got mixed up in the caravan get denied on ww and drive up that side hill. I am thinking that would be nice to mark off as well.


Duct Tape
Syracuse, Utah
Hey I heard some info that the BLM is thinking about maybe trying to make that area fenced in and you have to pay to run the trails. Also that they were going to put up some camp sites? Has anyone else heard of this?
I was told the same thing by the reporter from the Tooele Transcript, that she spoke to Gary? at the BLM and was saying they were playing with the idea. She asked my opinion on them charging a fee to use the area, and i said if it helps keep it open and clean, then I am all for it. I would much rather pay a small fee then to lose it all together.
I was told the same thing by the reporter from the Tooele Transcript, that she spoke to Gary? at the BLM and was saying they were playing with the idea. She asked my opinion on them charging a fee to use the area, and i said if it helps keep it open and clean, then I am all for it. I would much rather pay a small fee then to lose it all together.

Well that sounds like the same source I have:rofl: .


Well-Known Member
I think that everyone or most everyone on this board has paid or would be will to pay the toll to have the ability to play on the rocks. look at everyone who pays to go through Pritchett every year. i know it is not exactly the same but none the less you still pay at the gate to see that great canyon.


Sandy, Ut
The area has been on the list for a "fee area" for quite sometime. In fact they were supposed to get restrooms and other campground features a couple years back but the funding feel through...

That is all part of this new recreation plan that they have been compiling the last couple years, I'de expect they will have something for public input early next year?