U4WDA Presents "The Enemy - Parts 1 & 2"


Sandy, Ut
The Utah 4 Wheel Drive Association proudly presents "The Enemy."


There are two videos, titled Part One and Part Two. Each has three downloadable versions according to size. The text is best veiwed in the largest size. Remember to RIGHT CLICK "save target as" download. Viewable with your QuickTime player.

To download Quicktime visit:

Thanks to Supergper for hosting the videos!
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I run a tight ship... wreck
Very neat, that really hits home. I like the part about the enemy being US. It's so true. Apathy... exactally. Great job EZ. :)


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
OK OK, first off, nice work EZ. I think that is awesome.

Second, and I hope I don't get lynched, I think this is a poorly targeted message. While I agree 2000% that we should fight for keeping land open, I think claiming that our "family tradition" is more important than "1000 year old graffiti" is a bit unfair. I'm not saying family tradition is not important, but in order to motivate the masses and bring our plight to the majority of decision makers (aka voters) we need to show that we understand and are sensitive to ALL environmental issues, and that our use of the land does not compromise them in any way. "1000 year old graffiti" is an important cultural symbol and historic icon in American history. Calling it 'graffiti' devalues it and I think many people would cringe at that (I did). Obviously a 4wd vehicle is not going to negatively effect petroglyphs/pictographs, but statements like that sound like we just don't care.

Also, stating that roads were built by pioneers in the 1800's is true and can be used to our advantage, but we have to be conscious of how the environmentalist position that fact and which position is more logical to the common person......Environmental organizations say that these roads were around a century ago, but have no destinations or need anylonger and haven't been used in some cases for years. That makes sense to a common voter that doesn't know the difference. "why would we need roads that the pioneers used to bring wagons on...we have highways now to get around" We can't promote the use of roads that have fallen out of use for decades (nor do I think that you are), but we have every damn right to use roads that have been used for decades. We need to make sure that it comes off that we are using roads that have always been around and have been used by people for yeras---a statment like "roads that have been used since the 1800's" sounds better than "old roads built by pioneers in the 1800's". That makes it sound like these roads are old--out of date--etc. These roads aren't old roads, they are just roads that exist and have existed for a long time.

Also, while I agree that the amount of unlicensed and unregistered rigs is a problem (I have one ;) ), I think citing them as irresponsible is unfair as well. It's difficult to register these vehicles (which is no excuse) but some people don't do it. I would much rather have 5000 unregistered, uninsured buggies on the trail than 5 dirt jumpin redneck assholes in their 78 CJ7's or Ford Highboys out there tossing beercans and driving across the brush. I think the majority of the people that drive highly modified rigs are environmentally aware--or at least there is an equal proportion of jack-asses that screw it up that have keys to buggies as they do to properly licensed and registered rigs. The lack of licensing/insurance is a problem for sure, but I think it's a somewhat different problem than what is being addressed in the videos. I don't see the connection between that and the road being closes---nor do I see a connection between buggies and increased land destruction. It's like saying that guns kill people----thats BS. People kill people, assholes destroy land. You put the keys to a CJ5 or a buggy in the hands of a dipshit and the results will be the same. Thats a fact.

Anyways, I think that is awesome work, I just think that if our message is going to get accross to people who are less aware of these issues, we need to be sure and position our message accordingly.



Well-Known Member
Thumbs up to EZ. :) And Cody thumbs up too, You Voiced (typed) Your Opinion about it and I think Now is a good time for ALL of us to voice an opinion about it and making future Ideas and Opinions on making better and or more unified Vids. My 1 1/2 cents.


Sandy, Ut
JeeperG said:
...I think Now is a good time for ALL of us to voice an opinion about it and making future Ideas and Opinions on making better and or more unified Vids. My 1 1/2 cents.

Yup, this won't be the last of the videos... :D


Registered User
Riverton, Ut
Great videos. Has anybody thought of using the "American Disabilities Act" angle? Maybe include some pictures of disabled people on these trails, seeing the sights. Businesses have to do all kinds of things to make their establishments accessible.

It sounds pretty bad to say "you aren't allowed to access this public land because you can't walk there"

Just a suggestion.


Stop the MADNESS
I am with Cody here. Great job but next time be more carefull about what is said. The #2 video was way better. Maybe the music choice I guess.


Registered User
I also think Cody had some great points. In addition, I read an article not to long ago about an environmentalist vs a non-access advocate. I though it made some excellent points.

Here is the link http://www.stu-offroad.com/misc/environment.htm

That article made me think that maybe we shouldn't be calling anti-access groups environmentalists, enviros, greens, etc. In the video, the terms environmentalists and enviros are used to describe those that are anti-access or anti-motor recreationalists. Maybe the video could come up with a better term. Anything "anti" tends to sound bad, that is why they paint us as anti-environmental, maybe we should paint them as "anti"; anti-recreation, anti-fun, anti-family, anti-access, etc.

Also are the two videos intended for 2 different audiences? To me the first video felt like it was inteneded for current 4-wheel drive recreationalists, while the second video felt like it was intended for the general public at large. Was that the intent, or are the two videos going to be merged into one to share with everyone and anyone?

Also the picture of the shot-up trespass sign may not be a good one to share with the general public. It tends to send the message that we don't respect authority and that we condone destoying signs and trespassing.


Registered User
Salt Lake
Public land is for everyone

I was watching the 2nd video at my office with a co-workers and they brought up a good point. Where you say this is "our land" it could be taken out of context and people could say motorized users think they own the planet. He suggested instead that the video should say

This is public land

Everyone owns it and has the right to use it
This land is for everyone

Good job EZ !
We need to fix the problem.
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Well-Known Member
kirk86CJ said:
Great videos. Has anybody thought of using the "American Disabilities Act" angle? Maybe include some pictures of disabled people on these trails, seeing the sights. Businesses have to do all kinds of things to make their establishments accessible.

It sounds pretty bad to say "you aren't allowed to access this public land because you can't walk there"

Just a suggestion.

My grandpa, who retired from the Fish and Game, always says this same thing...he always brings up the point that wheelchair bound people or elderly people are being shut out of the lands they SHOULD be able to enjoy too. I don't know why this is never brought up in land access debates.


Active Member
Fruit Heights Ut
All I wanna know is...When we going to start a fundrasier to get enough money to get these on TV. The eco whackos have there adds. We need ours too,


Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
kirk86CJ said:
Great videos. Has anybody thought of using the "American Disabilities Act" angle? Maybe include some pictures of disabled people on these trails, seeing the sights. Businesses have to do all kinds of things to make their establishments accessible.

It sounds pretty bad to say "you aren't allowed to access this public land because you can't walk there"

Just a suggestion.

I have Muscular Dystrophy, and I would be happy to volunteer to be someone's "poster boy".