USFS Volunteer Planning Meeting 5/14/04


Sandy, Ut
Jeff Turner (Pres. of NAXJA, Intermountain Chapter) invited me to attend the USFS Annual Volunteer planning meeting.

On hand were rangers from various Utah ranger districts, it was a great opportunity for us to spread our good will and offer our help in any special projects the USFS may have in these areas. Jeff and I spent 10 minutes in front of the group talking about our ideals and goals as 4x4 enthusists, past service projects and future plans.

It went over very well and we immediatly had a ranger from the Logan area soliciting help for the Provinance Canyon/Insane Trail...

I urge all of you to get out and perform some service in the name of 4x4 enthusists, ever bit helps. If you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions, let me know. And if you, your club, your family, etc... ever want some help planning and particcipating in a service project... email me...

