New Member
I reacently bought an 84 toyota truck running a stock sbc 350 on propane the guy said that the propane kit is from Well it ran fine for awhile then i noticed it started using alot of propane, the diafram gasket around the top plate on the condenser started leaking and I repaired it but after a ride or two it would start leaking again so I looked around and bought a brand new condenser (same as the old one) from a fork lift company. It's an Impco brand. My mixer is also an impco 425, Now it runs alot better but, it's still using over 3 tanks a weekend not riding hard ( about 8-10 total riding hours ). I was told 1 tank should last me all weekend. I've put new o-rings in my tanks, got a new supply line from tank to condenser,replaced and resealed all of my fittings, replaced the old tank coupler, and sprayed soapy water on everything and can't find any leaks... Can anyone help me???