vertical axis windmill turbines...anyone have real data?


Boise Idaho
Been considering this technology for home use but what i've found online can be sketchy. Vertical windmills touted by the manufacturer as the next best thing in the world, can reduce energy bill by 50% for cheapy cheap. I suspect all this is bunk. Is there anyone out there that actually has one of these systems and can report back true productivity? Does it actually return the investment?


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
I just saw a huge homemade one the other day in Bluffdale. It's right by the camp heading north on the ride side down a bit on the hill. It look to be made of huge oil tanks cut in half and standing vertically.


Starting Another Thread
Sunny Arizona
I was just looking at the specs of one on line. This unit was touting an expected annual power production of 1600 KWh. If you do the math, that equals an annual savings of about $125.00. Going to take a lot of years for that thing to ever pay for itself.

At the price of $5-$7K (for the one I was looking at) It'll take 40 years to pay for itself. Too bad the life expectancy is only 30 years. With tax incentives and what not it may pay for itself sooner, but it is in no way cheap. Wind power is the most expensive form of power produced today. It's only redeeming quality is that it is also our cleanest form, aside from the visual issues.