Visiting Kona, suggestions?


Well-Known Member
So I've been going to Hawaii at least once a year for many years. In a couple months, we're going to Kona, which is the only island we've never been to. Any suggestions on where to stay or what to do? We normally get a house or a condo for the time we're there, not sure if we should do that or stay at a resort or maybe even do a couple different locations. We'll be there for just over a week.



Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
I stayed here last June, room was decent enough. Has a little beach on the property nice pool. The best part was its right in "downtown" Kona, all the little shops and restaurants were within walking distance. We went to some really nice beaches, i'll look up the names when I'm home and post up later

One of the best beaches I've ever snorkeled at was only about 10 min away

Also have several Big Island guide books, you're welcome to borrow them
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Recovering XJ owner anonymous
Southern Utah
You need to go to the Volcano National park. Its prettty cool and you can hike around on the Lava beds. If Lava is flowing you can hike close enough to it and roast some mellos. Visit the East side as it is the Tropical side. Also several beaches with different colored sand there. Its neat. Oh yea visit the 14000 foot peak while you as are there. It may even have snow it this time of year.


But stuck more often.
When my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer she cashed in a 401k and took the whole family to the Big Island. We spent about a week there as well. We toured the whole thing, except the lava park. The house we stayed at was amazing, with a huge pool which was great for the kids during down time. I took my mom on a helicopter ride which was probably a highlight for both of us. We stayed just a bit outside Kona.

Here's a LONG video of our first edit be patient. There's lots of good footage, but also a lot worth skipping through.
Its been a few years, but highlights for me and wife were volcanoes national park - especially hiking down into the crater, and visiting the hot lava flows out near the ocean.


Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
Lava flow wasn't going while I was there, and the crater by the museum had caved in 50 feet below where the old surface used to be. Also was emitting so much gas they closed the road that drives around. Keep an eye on this site

Also got screwed visiting the peak since the locals were protesting the building of a new telescope, they shut down the road :(

Make sure to plan a trip up to waipio valley, its a bit of a drive from Kona but its gorgeous. Its where the ending of water world was filmed.

I wasn't overly impressed with the green sand beach, it took a long time to get out there and you will need a higher clearance vehicle. Its a tiny beach and while we were there it was packed with people.

If you plan to go to any of the black sand beaches and swim make sure you have some form of foot protection. While the beach is fine, not too far into the water the rocks were quite coarse, at least at the few we visited. I'd also plan having foot protection period as I stepped on a sea urchin, never really ran into them in Oahu and Kauai, but saw lots of them on the Big Island.


Well-Known Member
This is great info, thanks guys! I wasn't sure if the lava flows would be worthwhile but it sounds like they're a must do. I'm thinking we'll spend part of the trip over in Hilo and part in Kona so we're not spending as much time in the car traveling to the other side of the island (unless you guys tell me otherwise :D). Keep the suggestions coming! :cool:


Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
IMO Kona is much nicer to stay in than Hilo, we did 4 days in each and I wish we had stayed in Kona longer. The food and tourism friendliness is not nearly as good in Hilo. We planned for two days of time playing around in Volcano NP, and barley needed one. That being said mother nature wasn't playing nice and the lava wasn't flowing while we were there, at least in a spot accessible by the public. Which conveniently stopped two days before our arrival. Not a very many nice beaches on the Hilo side either, couple little waterfalls to visit but you probably won't spend more than an hour at any of them. Other than Wiapio valley the western coast of the big island is where its at.

Only lava I saw was a glow about a half a mile away after the sun went down and that's many feet below the surface


Green sand


Wiapio Valley


Big ole lava tube


Only lava I saw


One of the top rated beaches in the world

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