Voodoo? Cursed? Please explain this one...

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
I've seen this twice in my life and I cannot find an explanation. Here's the story: About two hours into a ride on a moderate/difficult trail I started hearing a horrid noise coming from my front sprocket. I found a good place to stop and immediately noticed how tight my chain was. It was so tight it was burning hot and I could not wiggle it at all--So tight in fact that the rear tire would slide if I pushed it in neutral :ugh: I'm lucky I didn't destroy the countershaft bearing!

I'm sure the axle did not move. I know this because I have the adjustment block placement marked and the tension bolts were both tight. Nothing under the chain slide and nothing bound up in the lower guide. Nothing out of place. This happened on the same section of trail around 4 years ago on my friends WR250. Same thing nothing out of place. Axle did not move...

I don't understand :confused:


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
The only thing it really could be would be a worn chain (or improperly installed chain) worn/bent sprockets, Worn/damaged sprocket carrier, or bent counter shaft. Check your master link tightness too.

I have also seen sprockets that are brand new be out of round.

I always like to adjust the chain with me sitting on it because shock compressed is always where I like to adjust to. You have been around the block long enough to know this.