WARNING: Beware of LinkedIn's "Intro" Service


Recovery Addict
I work for the largest security software company in the US. We recently received an internal email warning us about a new LinkedIn service. Thought I'd pass it along since I'm sure some of you will receive an "invite" to sign up. I'm fairly confident this detail will NOT be anywhere but in the super-fine print...

LinkedIn recently released a new service called “Intro.” Do not install or set up this service on any ******** owned or managed devices, and we recommend that you think twice about using Intro on your personal devices.

Intro reconfigures your iOS-powered iPhone or iPad so that all your emails go through LinkedIn’s servers. By forcing your email data through their servers, LinkedIn can analyze and store your data. Here are a few reasons why we recommend against using Intro on your personal devices:

  • The content of your email will change. Outgoing emails will receive an additional signature, and incoming emails will receive additional LinkedIn profile data. The introduction of new data sources into a medium rife with security issues is fertile ground for attackers.
  • LinkedIn will store your email communications, particularly the list of people with whom you communicate, allowing your personal emails to be “mined” for information about your contacts.
  • If you forward an email, the LinkedIn profile data stays in the email, which your email contacts might not like.

You might be thinking that your personal email doesn’t contain anything others would find that interesting, but think about all the services and sites you have registered for with your personal email account. If you have an issue accessing a site and have your password reset, where do they send it? With Intro, LinkedIn servers will have your new password too.

Your personal email account can be the key to unlocking your online life— be sure to protect it.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Installing Intro on any device that accesses our company email has already been declared grounds for termination where I work.



Formerly Maldito X
I've never used LinkedIn. But now this is even more reason not to. Thanks for sharing, this is a problem for many.

I bet that even if you uninstalled Intro, the server settings would remain the same so you would need to manually go in and reconfigure them.


Well-Known Member
This is a good reminder/heads-up for those that aren't smart enough to read anything on their site. They say exactly what they do on both their FAQs page and their Privacy page. There is no fine print about it.