Washington County Trails


Who Dares Wins
Hey folks, U4WDA is looking for info on trails in Washington County. The Washington County Growth and Conservation Act 2006 did little to recognize trails in the area. Fortunatly it looks like that bill isn't going to be going anywhere, but there will be other attempts like this in the future, and we need to be prepared to make a case for the trails in the area.
What we would like to hear about is where the trails are (in you have GPS coordinates, that would be great), how popular they are and if you are so inclined, a short description of the trail. We would like to have a comprehensive list of all the trails in the area so we can better defend them for future use.
Thanks for your help guys!


Sand Pile
St George Utah
There are thousand's of miles of trails in Southern Utah. Many of which are open, but to my knowledge not recorded or posted as open trails. Many trails are in the Sand Hollow State park and many have already been closed due to the lets save the NON NATIVE Turtles (Habitat). I believe there is a few people with Tri State ATV club that have the trails downloaded and made into maps. I can give you contact for them or you can contact them through there website. There are also trails inside WSA that have been closed for 20 years, but continue to be used by hundreds of users each year. Sounds like to me that they need to inventory the trails in the Legislation before it is passed
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Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
Samuraiman said:
There are thousand's of miles of trails in Southern Utah. Many of which are open, but to my knowledge not recorded or posted as open trails. Many trails are in the Sand Hollow State park and many have already been closed due to the lets save the NON NATIVE Turtles (Habitat). I believe there is a few people with Tri State ATV club that have the trails downloaded and made into maps. I can give you contact for them or you can contact them through there website. There are also trails inside WSA that have been closed for 20 years, but continue to be used by hundreds of users each year. Sounds like to me that they need to inventory the trails in the Legislation before it is passed
Do you know of anyone over there in Washington Co. that would be interested in starting to put a map together on all the trails and what there status is? We could get what Tri State has and see what else needs to be added. Tri State ATV are good people but we need to get some 4 wheel drive folks involved. Some of us over here in Kane County could probably help, but you guys know where the trails are and could make sure that all the good trails are listed.


Active Member
I will be willing to help in any way possible. I know there are tons of trails in this area that are not on maps. Over on U4x4c we were discussing the possibility of making a huge archive of Utah trails. The downside to this is that any chump off the street would have access to these trails wether he/she is responsible or not.

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
We just need to get everything on a map to start with. We don't need to make it public until the status of everything is sorted out.
If your at the meeting in Hurricane on the 8th we can go over a few things.

Thanks for the offer of help, you guys have some great trails over there and we need to make sure we keep them