Way off topic for the forum but curious about some personal website stuff.


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I figure I'd ask here because I know there are a handful of IT/dev guys here that know whats up. I hope its okay.

I'm wanting to build a personal website (not a blog but thats probably the closest thing as far as webpages are concerned) and could use a little direction. Basically I want to have a repository to upload some PDFs and keep track of some other information. I'd like to build a website from scratch for this. I know there are a lot of easier options out there than taking this route but it'll get a few things checked off my list of things I've wanted to do for a while. I've toyed around with the tutorials on Code Academy before and will likely return for some help. I am not concerned that I can find the resources I need to make the code work but I'm not exactly sure what software or tools I need to look at to get it going.

Basically I want to build a personal website where I can post/upload:

-PDFs I've got copies of (1300+ pages, 190 MB)
-project write-ups and tutorials
-maintenance logs

Really it shouldn't be too crazy or complicated. Since I'm just getting into this I'm hoping I can get some feedback on what resources I need to get this up. Do I need to buy/build out a server at home to host this stuff? Better off buying space with a web hosting service? Do I need a database? Who do you guys use for purchasing domain names?

This project is really just about putting up some info that I'll be able to use in the future and learn something in the process. I imagine that it'll be pretty ugly initially but should it go well I hope to lipstick it up a bit down the road.