We are uncouth, disreputable vandals!

James, as I'm sure you learned in kindergarten only you can make yourself feel like an ass. That's not the intent at all. Just trying to say that by perpetuating the stereotypes of anti-access supporters, it makes us no better than them for doing the same to us. In private forums and private conversations, you can say/do whatever you like and I'll never comment. In an open and observed forum, I'll remind everyone to be cautious. It might suck, but it's part of the battle we're fighting.

We'd like to be hitting SUWA below the belt, but we have to be sure we're wearing a cup first.

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
scoutabout said:
James, as I'm sure you learned in kindergarten only you can make yourself feel like an ass.
sorry, never learned that :rolleyes:
scoutabout said:
That's not the intent at all. Just trying to say that by perpetuating the stereotypes of anti-access supporters, it makes us no better than them for doing the same to us. In private forums and private conversations, you can say/do whatever you like and I'll never comment. In an open and observed forum, I'll remind everyone to be cautious. It might suck, but it's part of the battle we're fighting.

We'd like to be hitting SUWA below the belt, but we have to be sure we're wearing a cup first.
you know if I can't express myself then why bother trying to help????

and since I do it wrong why don't you just delete my account over there on your BB.


insert lame comment
4. Do you think people who are physically unable to hike
should be denied access?

No. Groups like SPLORE take disabled people to the wilderness all the time.
See http://www.splore.org/

splore only goes to popular places. also there is the need to pay them.
basically my double amputee friend cannot take his offroad chair out on a hike in the local areas whenever he wants is not allowed, although the SUWA types can go whenever they want.note some of these areas are posted "no motorized/nonmotorized vehicles" . this by definition prohibits wheelchairs (a nonmotorized vehicle), and is in violation of the law.


Registered User
wr250 said:
splore only goes to popular places. also there is the need to pay them.
basically my double amputee friend cannot take his offroad chair out on a hike in the local areas whenever he wants is not allowed, although the SUWA types can go whenever they want.note some of these areas are posted "no motorized/nonmotorized vehicles" . this by definition prohibits wheelchairs (a nonmotorized vehicle), and is in violation of the law.

This reference to www.splore.org was a ridicules argument. This fine organization is designed to take handicapped individuals to areas accessable by wheelchair, horseback or rafts. The fact is that SUWA and other "conservation" groups have no good answer for people who because of age or disability are not able to hike long distances in a harsh desert environment. They can't bring themselves to say "well that's just too bad, you can't visit that place because you can't hike there".