Weekend in Moab


Registered User
I just got back from a fantastic weekend in Moab. We had a party of 10 vehicles and about 30 people. I personally spent over $1,000 in local businesses. I'm sure the whole group dropped more than $10,000 over the 5 days. We talked about the businesses who we had identified as supporters of groups like SUWA and did not spend one cent in their businesses.

If anyone reading this post lives in Moab, you might want to share this one story with your business friends.

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
I only personally know 2 business owners here & neither of them supports SUWA in any way. Time will tell if boycotting those businesses on SUWA's list makes any kind of impact or not.

If you really want local businesses to know how you feel why not write a letter to the editor of the Times Independent?


Registered User
Rick B said:
I only personally know 2 business owners here & neither of them supports SUWA in any way. Time will tell if boycotting those businesses on SUWA's list makes any kind of impact or not.

If you really want local businesses to know how you feel why not write a letter to the editor of the Times Independent?

You’re probably right when you say that it may not make any difference if our group chooses to not spend our money in businesses that support SUWA. Many of the businesses on the list are pretty obscure anyway. But it made me feel better. Maybe our groups’ $10,000 was more than made up for by the hiking and biking crowd who want the motorized folks run out of town (although I doubt it).

If you send me a link to the Times Independent I will send them a letter.


UtahFire said:
I just got back from a fantastic weekend in Moab. We had a party of 10 vehicles and about 30 people. I personally spent over $1,000 in local businesses. I'm sure the whole group dropped more than $10,000 over the 5 days. We talked about the businesses who we had identified as supporters of groups like SUWA and did not spend one cent in their businesses.

If anyone reading this post lives in Moab, you might want to share this one story with your business friends.

Good Report. Businesses in MOAB need to support all of us.

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
I tend to agree that the vast majority of businesses listed in SUWA's ad are not normally visited by offroaders. But there are a couple that are & they should be made aware that they've potentially hurt themselves. SUWA has been buying advertisement space in the local paper for quite a while & then filling that space with what appears to be a legitimate news stories, unless you read the fine print at the bottom. They've also been having their people write letters to the editor with the attempt to catch undecided people's emotional resopnses. Any kind of rebuttal to their propaganda has to be good.

If you do write a letter to the editor please remember that it's the undecided majority that you're trying to point out something to. SUWA members have already made up their minds & we aren't likely to change them, but villifying them for their opinions in a newspaper will likely sway people against us. Personally I'd just mention in passing that you used the SUWA supporter list to decide which businesses to spend your money with. Anyway the link to the TI's website is: www.moabtimes.com You can send a letter to the editor through the website.


Registered User
I did write a letter you the editor of the Moab Times. Since I am not a subscriber to the paper I won't be able to tell if the letter gets published. Here is how the letter read:

We just returned home from a fantastic 4 days “wheeling” the trails around Moab. Our party consisted of 10 vehicles and over 30 people. SUWA’s website was very helpful in identifying for us the Moab businesses that had clearly stated they do not believe we have a right to access the public lands using our motorized vehicles. For several in our group, this would be the only way they could enjoy the beautiful vistas we encountered. We estimated our group spent over $10,000 in local Moab businesses that appear to appreciate our being in their community. We hope to return in the spring if the trails we enjoy are left open as they have been for decades.

W. Strong
Salt Lake City, UT