I had a HF helmet but threw it away because it was extremely dangerous.
I kept getting headaches after using it and I found out why. They do not block light that passes through at an angle. Look at a light source with it dimmed (someone welding, the sun, etc), then tilt the hood to like 45 degrees to the right or left and see if the light source gets brighter. There's a whole lot of high intensity light, IR, and UV bouncing around every direction when you're welding. Your eyesight is about the most important thing in life, it's not worth losing when you get older due to a cheap Chinese product like this. It's your eyesight FFS, you can spend a little more on a one time purchase and actually get something with resale value so you're not out all your money like with a HF hood.
I upgraded to a Miller digital elite and would definitely recommend it, and it's so much better than the HF hood its insulting to even try to compare them; they are fundamentally different in how they are built as far as layering of the filters/lcd in the optics.
It's the same mentality of buying the $20 HF cordless drills, and just getting another when it breaks and so on vs. buying a good dewalt or milwaukee drill and not messing with it for a decade or more. One way you're stuck with 10 broken tools, the other way you're left with your sanity, and a nice tool you can still re-sell and recoup some of your money.