Have your sponsors buy your new tank!! :freak:
Have your sponsors buy your new tank!! :freak:
Have your sponsors buy your new tank!! :freak:
Does Caleb or RME want to sponsor me? :shades:
I'm doing my graphics now. I can add a logo for the cost of a race entry fee
What's the entry fee? I can get a picture of my face on your graphics for the cost of one entry?
...but what if my logo IS my face? :greg:
Put his face on your seat....but what if my logo IS my face? :greg:
Shoot for the price of a tank and entry fee I'll put MY picture on strattons bike! But it may be full body and nude...
I broke a clutch cable yesterday. I imagine all the extra tension from the Rekluse did it in. Rode the rest of the day with a vise grip clamped to the hand guard holding tension on the cable.
I broke a clutch cable yesterday...
Are you asking why you still need to uae the clutch?