What happens when someone pulls a u-turn in front of you at 85mph

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What happens when someone pulls a u-turn in front of you at interstate speeds

I didn't know where to post this up, but after a week of wheelin in Moab and Montrose, it was time to head home to Nebraska. About 10 hours into the trip we blew a tire on the trailer. Fixed it in record time and hit the road again to repass the folks that we had recently passed.

My buddy was drivin' my rig and about 30 miles down the road we were discussing how well my recently purchased Excursion was towing we had an 81 year old woman decide to pull a u-turn from the right lane into the median. We later found out that she had missed her turn and was being told by her onboard nav. system to "make a u-turn!" She was about 3 car lengths ahead of us, so we drilled her!

When the dust settled, I was frantically digging my 6 year old son out from under our bags. He did not have a scratch on him! I just about cut my finger-tip off. My buddy took a good shot of the airbag, but we all walked away!

Long story short, 3/4 roll with the Ex, Jeep seems to have flipped end over end a couple of times! Elderly man was ejected but did not have any REAL major injuries (ribs and a lung) and the woman hit her head.




Now we are left, greatfull to be alive, but trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces!

Be safe out there folks!
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Registered User
Arm Utah
OH MY H#LL, WOW. Glad no one was seriously hurt in that and so sorry to see it. I'm in disbelief that it wasn't worse. Sad to see the rig so mangled, but when it comes down to it, life is so much more important. Good luck with all the aftermath.
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Active Member
Wow. Glad everyone is ok. Looks like it coud have turned out way worse. Is that a CJ-6? Looks like it was nice. Looks like your cage held up :)


Well-Known Member
I am so glad you and your family were safe, I cant even imagine how you felt when you first were checking on your son.
How was the jeep secured to the trailer, and would you do it diferently based on the outcome of the accident?


Well-Known Member
Looks like your cage held up :)

That's just your imagination, wheelers don't know how to build cages, especially ones that will handle a roll at 85mph :rofl:

That's scary stuff, glad everyone walked away without any serious injuries :eek:

Oh, and so it was your buddy that wrecked your rig? Wow, you get to hold that over him for a LONG time :p


Mead, WA
Holly sh!t! Amazing!!! Glad everyone walked from that one. If I was a passerby, I would have thought people were dead. Glad your son is ok, he (everyone) could have really been injured by the stuff flying around inside. Wouldn't that have sucked? Survive a really bad collision, to only get hurt by luggage.


Still workin on the insurance stuff! We had full coverage on everything, but we will see what happens.

Jeep was strapped using ratchets. It appears that once one broke, the other 3 were able to slack up.


Formerly Beardy McGee
Wow! As others have said, glad to hear your family is all ok. I can't stand old people behind the wheel..

Looks like your cage held up :)
Looks pretty staight for 85mph end over end, with little triangulation.. paging SLCPUNK for evaluation ;)

Survive a really bad collision, to only get hurt by luggage.

One of the reasons i've got this divider on the way.. To keep dogs and luggage out of a really bad situation.


Giver of bad advice
Glad you and yours are OK... Hopefully the dimbulb that whipped the U turn has GREAT insurance.

Sami, love the strapping. Ought to be food for thought for all of us... Got a website for that stuff?


Formerly Beardy McGee
Sami, love the strapping. Ought to be food for thought for all of us... Got a website for that stuff?


I'm sure if there's not items available for your vehicle, you could make others on the site work.. The owner is extremely into feedback and suggestions. So much so, that something I suggested he is now making, currently in R&D phase before he produces it for Xterra owners. Cool guy. Tell him SAMI sent you if you end up picking up his products.
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Orem, UT
Another thought...Shall we continue the roll cage discussion here...? Look how well the jeep did vs the A pillar on the Ford Ex.


somewhat damaged
Wow! My heart sank into my stomach when I opened this thread... I'm very glad everybody is ok. After I read that you all walked away I started to feel bad for the Jeep. I watched most of that thing get built by Kent.

Glad you're all good!!!
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