"What is a road?" 1976


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
"The Burea of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, and other governmental and state agencies are becoming extremely touchy about abandoned roads, and what some Westerners call ghost-roads. Tracks that begin suddenly wild canyons, wander along aimlessly a few miles, then disappear again. They aren't truly roads in the legal sense. Many are post-cutters roads on cedar-studded desert plaueaus, old logging trails across high mountain slopes, or just wagon ruts winding in and out of long-forgotten stone quarries. I've stumbled onto hundreds of them during the past few years.
In remote areas, the BLM insists that all vehicles remain on "well traveled roads." By that, the usual definition is a road that has been regularly used over a long period of time. Whether post-cutter's roads would classify as legal roads probably depends on where they intersect other existing roadways, and on the BLM patrolman's personal interpretation. What they definitely consider taboo is sending one vehicle ahead to blaze trail, so that following vehicles can claim "existing road" status. Forget it. The issues are becoming too cloudy for that nonsense. Either we play it straight, or the next round of off road restrictions will put an even bigger crimp in back-country travel."

From Four Wheeler, July '76. The fight isn't new kids, and imagine how much has been lost since then. :(


Blue Ribbon Coalition
United 4WD


Registered User
so it would seem that following the rules has only gotten more and more roads taken away. Maybe its time to take a page from the greenie movement, break the rules, break the laws and then the changes will have to come about to accomodate how many people are breaking the laws.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I can't disagree with a certain affinity for guerilla tactics. When the system fails you and does not work, it is historically the American way to effect change.

Thanks for commenting, btw. I put this up here so people could see how it's gone, and that it's not really a new problem.


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A few years ago when I was younger:rolleyes: if it was wide enough to drive a truck on it was a road.
A trail was wide enough to walk through or ride a horse on.