what? the truth

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
nice, it does make ya wonder if they are only in it for the money. they have created a job for themselves and can only advance they're career and paychecks by by the doomsayers, and having people throw money to them to fight a battle for something that only exist in there narrow veiw. JMO


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Copied from SLTRIB.com.......

What wilderness is

In response to the latest Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance smear campaign (“OHV poll finds most see a growing threat,” Tribune, July 14), wilderness is not what most people think it is and we all need to be aware of it.
Wilderness is not for most types of recreation. A limited amount of recreation can take place on designated wilderness lands but only primitive kinds.
Virtually no mechanical devices can be used in designated wilderness areas. That means bicycles, boat engines, camping trailers, ATVs or snowmobiles are not allowed to be used in designated wilderness areas. You certainly cannot drive your SUV through the wilderness.
Mother Nature and her forces prevail in wilderness, whether it is fires, attempted species conservation, insect and disease outbreaks, it cannot be managed if it is wilderness, it is in her hands. More designated wilderness also stops many great recreational activities that American families currently enjoy.
Polls never will tell the truth. How about we put the dispute on wilderness to a vote by the public, but then SUWA attorney Heidi McIntosh and the rest of the doomsayers will have to find new high-paying jobs.

Doug Page
Utah Snowmobile Association