What to do?


Well-Known Member
Ok so here is the dealio. The wife and I would love to build a buggy, we have been debating selling the tj which performs well and does a great job, we are just looking for a little more power. We have put the jeep up for sale and had some offers but by the time I purchase a chassis and parts I will be well over what I get out of the jeep. So do I keep the jeep, tear it down, use the 1 tons, coilovers and air bumps on the buggy chassis? do I use all the running gear off the tj (motor, trans, Atlas, and 1 tons and suspension?) then one day put a v8 in the buggy. or tear down the jeep. All but the motor and trans, and try and sell the tub with boat sides and cage? Or last but not least just keep the jeep and keep wheeling it to death ;)
This seems fairly obvious to me, but I don't see it in your options :confused: V8 in the TJ!!!
That is just a fact. A jeep cannot and will not every be a buggy. Its time to sell the jeep Scoon and build a buggy. Even if you have to go without for a while it will be well worth it!:D
I do have to add tho that is a sweet cage...