What to look for in an 84-85 4Runner?



Just curious, but what should I look for? What to watch out for?
Where do they rust?
Look for EFI of course (mostly only on 85's)

The worst rust is around the rear wheel wells (and under the plastic protector that is in front of the rear wheel really bad!) and tailgates.

You going Toyota? :p


Not me going Toyota, but with all the issues that my Dad's Rubicon is having we are thinking about looking for something else.

I saw an 84 or 85 4Runner down in Bountiful today and I caught my eye.

BTW, I thought that all the 84-85 4Runner's where EFI?


Do I bother you?
Denver, CO
Im pretty sure all the 85's are efi, but I didn't know some of the 84s were efi Also. Anywho I have a 94 that I plan on SASing once I get the money. Just another option that you don't have to be as worried about rust.


Well, if I were going to start over I think that I would buy an early 90's pick-up and do the SAS. But hopefully the dealer will pull their heads out and fix the Rubi. He wants something to take to EJS, so unless he finds a SAS toy pickup, he will probably get something else.
Originally posted by pokeyYJ
Not me going Toyota, but with all the issues that my Dad's Rubicon is having we are thinking about looking for something else.

I saw an 84 or 85 4Runner down in Bountiful today and I caught my eye.

BTW, I thought that all the 84-85 4Runner's where EFI?

I think that a lot of 85's are EFI but I don't think all of them are (could be wrong). I understood it to be that all 84's were carb's, but I'm accounting for that guy that always pipes in and says "no way my cousin's friend's dad has an 84 and it is EFI!" :D I think I have heard a few people say there are 84 EFI runners but if there is it's very rare.

Give up the jeep thing! Go to Toyota! :D


Resident Thread Killer
I had an '85 that was carbed. But then, I am my cousin's freind's dad.:D BTW, check for rust on the windshield pillar where the door seal meets it. Sounds odd, but my '88 X-tra cab and Muleskinner's '88 4-Runner both have it. I think it's from bad windshield seals.
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Originally posted by ledhead
Give up the jeep thing! Go to Toyota! :D

Hey man, it's not what you buy, its what you build! I'm thinking that if I ever gave up the Jeep thing I would go to BMW!!!! (M3 here I come, [best Homer voice on] MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm M3 goooooooooodddddddd. [Homer voice off]

84 4Runner

Restless 'Runner
Look for EFI. It's in most '85s and a rare few '84s. Do a compression test (if possible) just so you know how much wear the engine has.

Definently look for rust. The worst places to have it (and the most hidden) are: front and rear around the wheel wells: check under the plastic piece in the rear and (on SR5s) under the chrome trim. Also look just under the gas flap and on the windshield column. Check under the carpet in the back, especially by the wheel wells. Check under the carpet in the front under the driver's and passenger's feet area.

If you don't see a lot of rust, consider that it may have been repainted and try to check for bondo.

Other than that, if you find a 4Runner with little rust and a decent running engine, go for it!