Wheelin' by the B


Registered User

For those people that wheel up Skyline Drive and the "B" area please read the following.

Please read the entire article before posting any comments. It looks like we need to be more careful with where we are wheelin' so that we don't impact the terrain as much. This is not directed to 4x4s only but it is a collective issue that we can help with.


Here is a first hand experience for everyone, Moabrat and I went up to Old Ward canyon road last night. We drove up skyline drive and then down Old Ward Canyon road and followed posted trail signs the whole way. When you get down on top of the "B" the trail signs go down right too the barracades. Then it looked like it looped back up and goes out the way it came in. The problem is that once you get down to the bogs it gets really confusing about which way to go.

I agree with everytime Toby said, but that article gives only one side of the arguement light.


Sandy, Ut
Originally posted by Toby
...It's too bad the home owners didn't approach a group like U4WDA to help out. Maybe we should approach them.

The Wasatch Cruisers have been working with the city as well as the police on this trail. Last i heard, we have adopted the trail and as soon as the city makes it official, we will begin trail repair, signage, and regular cleanups as well as patrol. I will check with our clubs land-use manager and get the latest info, I know they met with the mayor and police a couple weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
Heber City
I travel the Skyline about twice a year. It's a nice Sunday drive type of thing for the family. There are way too many idiots up there. I almost hate to go up there in the Purple sami for fear that the Rangers will give me a bad time.

When you get things going please let us know and I will lend a hand. I do alot of work out-of-state so If I'm around I'll be there.


Registered User
I appreciate all the good posts on this topic. On behalf of UXOC (Utah Xterra Owners Club) we would like to participate in whatever opportunity arises. I don't want to replicate any efforts that have already been made and it looks like you guys are already on the ball. Please contact us if there is anything we can do to help out. We also enjoy the trails up there and don't want to see them closed. The problem I am sensing in that there needs to be some clarity aswell as the stuff posted above.

Thanks again and lets do our part and keep the trails open.

UXOC President


Formerly Beardy McGee
I used to go up there every weekend for a full day of wheelin. I hate it now, it's unsafe and not eben that great. Kurt say when and where and i'll help you out on your project for the trails. I know a kid in my auto class that I suspect is one of the morons moving rocks and barricades, cause he's always up there. Let's beat him up!! Looks like the Jeeps got most the blame on this one(they never suspect the little Sauzuki's):D


Sandy, Ut
I will get ahold of the guys in my club that are working on this project and have them fill me in on the details... I wish I knew more about this but I know that we have several members that live right near there and are very concerned with its wellbeing... Stay Tuned... ;)


Sandy, Ut
Originally posted by SAMI
I... Kurt say when and where and i'll help you out on your project for the trails. I know a kid in my auto class that I suspect is one of the morons moving rocks and barricades, cause he's always up there. Let's beat him up!!

Sounds good... I'll be at you High School at 2:30 sharp...... tell him to be out front... :D

Sorry Jason... my parole officer said I can't fight 16 yr. olds anymore ;)


Sandy, Ut
Here is the latest from Adam Tolman (Wasatch Cruiser on RME) :

Last week the engineering dept went up and surveyed the trail so that they could determine how much fencing will go across each piece of property. They will then contact each property owner to get a signed right of way to put up the fence. Until then I am in a holding pattern.

The restoration to the hillside was put off until this right of way
thing can be obtained. That was good since it was late in the year anyway.

I have applied to Utah State Parks for some matching grant money to purchase the parking area, black top it and put in a restroom. If we get the grant we would start that project next year.

FYI Two of the property owners have been in to talk to the Mayor and City Manager and expressed some concern about allowing motorized use across their property but so far no one has said they would stop motorized use. We will have to wait and see if they sign the right of way for the fence.

That's about all there is for now. I will update you when I have some more information.


When Moabrat and I went up there, it looked like somebody had gone through with some big machinery and cut the lower part of the "B". It looked like it had been graded, and there were established trail signs all over the place.

Nitrous SSC

Registered User
Laytown, UT
So You can still access thoes bad ass mud pits but you just have to go down old ward trail?....I've wondered that but I didn't want to go all the way down that trail and come to a concrete block and have to go back up the entire way....


Registered User
From what I understand the trail in its entirety is closed to 4x4 vehicles since November 1, 2004 until the Spring 2005. It is now open to snowmobiles.

If you drive during the closed condition you may get fined.


Full Mall Crawler Status
Taylorsville, UT
Also, there is a sign in the parking area that clearly defines what areas are open to use and when they are open. The rangers were patroling it big time last year in the winter.
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for those about to rock..
morgan, utah
im up there alot i talked with a ranger and as long as you stay on the "posted" road your alright. The posted road is hard to detemine. so if there is anything i can do to help let me know.


Full Mall Crawler Status
Taylorsville, UT
wrangler said:
im up there alot i talked with a ranger and as long as you stay on the "posted" road your alright. The posted road is hard to detemine. so if there is anything i can do to help let me know.

That is true in the summer... But, unless you have Matt tracks on your truck you are out of luck until spring. No wheeled vehicles are allowed on Skyline drive from Nov 1st to April 30th.

Here is the map that is in the parking area.
