Wheelin' the tow rigs

Summer has finally come to our mountains and now it's hotter than 7 shades of hell. Which for our neck of the woods is like 95 degrees! After working on the Bronco all week, we all needed a day out of the house so we snagged our unsuspecting neighbors and headed up to Silverton in the tow rigs. Silverton was crazy with the 4th being so close so we just headed up into Arrastra Gulch and spent our day there.
Ladybug and Silverton with Ellis's 009 (Medium).jpg
That's our neighbor's new truck finding the one big rock in the river!
Ladybug and Silverton with Ellis's 020 (Medium).jpg

Ladybug and Silverton with Ellis's 023 (Medium).jpg
The view from the Little Giant Mine
Ladybug and Silverton with Ellis's 025 (Medium).jpg
Leaving said mine...
Ladybug and Silverton with Ellis's 027 (Medium).jpg

Ladybug and Silverton with Ellis's 028 (Medium).jpg
A stamp mill which partially processed the ore before sending it down on the tram.
Ladybug and Silverton with Ellis's 032 (Medium).jpg
The top of Arrastra Gulch
Ladybug and Silverton with Ellis's 033 (Medium).jpg
It's much fun getting full size trucks up those mining roads! :D
Ladybug and Silverton with Ellis's 035 (Medium).jpg

Ladybug and Silverton with Ellis's 041 (Medium).jpg
Sweet! Looks like it was much less than 103*'s up there. I hear that's what Grand Junction is sitting at. We need to get back up there again soon, think a tow rig could make Black Bear? :eek:
First of all, I'm scared to drive that pass in the Bronco. Secondly, ARE YOU EFFIN' CRAZY???? Have you seen Black Bear? Why don't we do something pleasant and non life-threatening like Engineer or Imogene? :)

I've been planning on running Black Bear since last summer! We don't have the 4Runner (hers or mine :eek: ) anymore, so it's either the Dodge or wait till the TJ is done. It's just switchbacks, not huge rocks... oh yeah, I forgot how you feel about Rusty Nail and No Left Turn. :D:p
I've been planning on running Black Bear since last summer! We don't have the 4Runner (hers or mine :eek: ) anymore, so it's either the Dodge or wait till the TJ is done. It's just switchbacks, not huge rocks... oh yeah, I forgot how you feel about Rusty Nail and No Left Turn. :D:p

Would you seriously consider taking the Dodge over Black Bear?? :eek: You are correct in the no huge rock department, but have you ever looked at those switchbacks? I've stood in Telluride and been afraid!! Not trying to be a party pooper or anything here, you know I'm usually up for a grand adventure, but the jury is still out on whether or not this would be a grand adventure or just craziness.:guilty:
Ya know, we'll all be going out that last weekend of July and just having a ducky time. You should come join us. Last I heard, Timpanagoos (?) was joining the party as well. Plus, if you came, I'd hook you up with those yummy hamburger buns! :hickey:

I've got a date with Delta....