When yor 11yr old's friends say helmets at the skate park are gay....


don't follow me....
you end up here.............Primary Childrens Hospital.

Boys are boys, and they get their road rash (I sure got mine) but when docs are doing CT's and talking about brain swelling, it kinda freaks you out.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Holy smokes!
Cement + skulls = bad scene. And I know, because I have knocked myself out a few times skateboarding, back in the day.

Get in touch!!!!


don't follow me....
Tristan came home today. He still isn't acting like himself, but he is doing ok.
He has some serious road rash and swelling on his left hip, elbow, shoulder, and a big lump on his head that has red dots all over it. The docs said to just watch him closely for a few days.

Next week I'm going to glue his helmet to his head.


Giver of bad advice
Hope he pulls through and returns to normal... Luckily kids are resilient. Glue, staples and screws...

When my son was 11 he wrecked his bike while riding with a group of older boys. Someone touched his rear wheel and he went down, the bike that hit him went over my boy and that bike's chainring hit my son right in the forehead. If it HADN'T been for the helmet, it would have been a completely different story. As it was, he had a tooth knocked out and serious knee injury, and big bruise on his forehead. The helmet was split but did its job.

Over the next couple days, there were more helmets on kids in my neighborhood. And my son (19 now) grew up just as well as he would have. And doesn't ride his bike without a helmet either. Then again, Bill Cosby says all kids are brain damaged...


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Tristan came home today. He still isn't acting like himself, but he is doing ok.
He has some serious road rash and swelling on his left hip, elbow, shoulder, and a big lump on his head that has red dots all over it. The docs said to just watch him closely for a few days.

Next week I'm going to glue his helmet to his head.

Sheesh! Well hopefully that'll learn him good, and you guys won't have to freak out like that ever again!

and seriously, answer yer phone. ;)


Murray, Ut
Let your kid know that helmets save lives. I mountain bike and have broken two helmets in my live. Not that i am super crazy or anything, but you never know when something crazy is going to happen. If it weren't for them, i would for sure be dead or have serious problems. I will never ride without one.