Where's my stickers


Active Member
Plain City, UT
A while back in Moab i got a couple of copies of the super cool RME sticker from Greg that features Greg's yellow flat fender. Since then i have not been able to find them. I have veen pretty bummed about it. Greg went out of his way to get me those.
My wife has been on a cleaning and reorganizing tear lately so, of course, she found the stickers where i put them and could find them (in my sock drawer), and put them in some illogical place like the shelf in a cabinet that has other stickers and travel mementos. Who would ever look there.?

Anyway, i was looking for my truck keys and happened to look on the memento cabinet as you do when looking for keys, and what do you know, there are my stickers.

Put one on my trailer, and one on a magnet that i stuck to the panel below my windshield.20180716_204602.jpg20180716_204609.jpg20180716_201216.jpg20180716_201227.jpg