who straightens 60 housings??? HELP


Well-Known Member
i am trying to find someone that can straighten a 60 housing on my tj, i just got everything done and found out that i have a bent housing. anyone know someone that could help me out with this i am trying to be frugal but i know that it might cost me a bit for this. any help would be appreciated.:D


I run a tight ship... wreck
Is the center section actually bent, or the tubes? Cause if it's the center, I think you're SOL. :-\ Hate to say it.

I have a high pinion 60 center section that's bent pretty badly, I don't think it's possible to straighten.


formerly "rckcrlr"
Straighten the tube doesn't really work to well, ussually just easier/cheaper to re-tube.
There is a little that can be done to try to help fix a housing, but only minor re-truing can be done....

Ben may be set up to retube, maybe tera plus, not sure....


Well-Known Member
thanks i worded that wrong, it is the tube. how much is it to retube one? i dont really want to do that since i just set up all of my steering and suspension on this one. can someone just straighten the tube?


formerly "rckcrlr"
can someone just straighten the tube?

I have seen it tried on a few 9" rears, but never a front. I suspect the tube is too heavy, and just no way to control the "rebending" well enough to get it straight....ever try to sraighten a coat hanger? Gives you an idea of what you are fighting....Sorry, but re-tube is the most practical and effective way to do it. :(


Mead, WA
x2 or how ever many...
Retube it, don't try to straighten it. It's already been bent, it will bend in the same place again if there isn't anything done to combat it.

This is why you always check your housings before you do anything with them. And use a jig when you weld 'em up. Both will show a problem immediately!


'98 ZJ
using a jig is a great idea, especially if you are adding a ton of stuff to the axle...

x2 or how ever many...
Retube it, don't try to straighten it. It's already been bent, it will bend in the same place again if there isn't anything done to combat it.

This is why you always check your housings before you do anything with them. And use a jig when you weld 'em up. Both will show a problem immediately!


Well-Known Member
ok so retubing is the answer now how much is it roughly to have one done? i know it is my fault for not doing all of the measurements and what not to begin with but this was my first axle swap so knowing is half the battle and gi joe was right. now i am more money out of pocket and more ttime away from my rig. so the long and short does anyone have sky's number and how much if any of you have had to do it.

thanks :eek:


Well-Known Member
thanks for responding to that before me.:D the pumpkin might be a little off for what i need. Now i know that i did not measure the first :ugh: time but Damn. -_-


Well-Known Member
so am i screwed or what? ben hanks has my jeep right now and i dont know if he can do anything or not. i dont want to waste his time and my money if i need a new axle..


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
no, you're not screwed but it's gonna cost you. I know a guy w/some bare housings that maaaaaaay be helpful. Let me get you a price.


Well-Known Member
any help would be greatly appreciated :D i have had a moab trip planned for about 3 months now and this is totally messing that up.
