Why has your U4WDA membership expired?

Why has your U4WDA membership expired?

  • I forgot to send the money.

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • I don't know where or how to renew.

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • I am not satisfied with leadership or managment.

    Votes: 14 30.4%
  • My money belongs with another org or group.

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • I didn't see the benefit when I was a member.

    Votes: 6 13.0%
  • Other.

    Votes: 20 43.5%

  • Total voters


Sandy, Ut
I guess that is the crux of the issue. I don't believe maintaining the status quo is the best use of even limited resources. Compass should be scaled back and the need for fundraising should be non-existent if the money isn't actively being used first-party to complete the mission of the U4WDA. There are obviously disputes over the mission of the U4, as Todd has mentioned some feel it is to promote and endorse the hobby, others like myself feel it is solely to protect and advocate for the hobby. Until U4 decides who and what it is, I'd argue you'll never set and reach goals.

Lack of volunteers, been there done that. While apathy is a big player, discouragement and outright frustration are a big component too. Look at the comments from your past and current BOD members here, the status quo needs to be overhauled and resources as limited as they may be need a fundamental overhaul. If existing BOD members don't want to take on a land use project, Article 7 them. Results equal incentives and once the steam roller is moving, folks hop on the wagon. Who jumps on what appears to be a sinking ship?

I know U4 isn't going anywhere, but it is losing the traction it had gained over the years, ups and downs are natural, especially during this shaky economy but an unstable BOD doesn't promote any continuity with the minds of members or potential volunteers. If I had the choice to stay home and eat potato chips or sit in a BOD meeting and discuss Steve J's behavior and raffle prizes, I'd choose the chips. I want to hear about projects, plans, goals and results!

Paul R

Well-Known Member
I'm glad this thread was brought up. I have been watching this closely and hesitated to say anything until others (current and former BOD members) spoke their mind. It has come down to what the U4 if anything is currently doing. If in fact the U4 is not about saving access to public lands anymore and instead under the limited resources has decided to focus on saving membership, then you can count my membership lapse as a good-bye!

I have been a member of the U4 for a number of years now, and it has been exciting to see its growth and recognition grow as an entity that promotes responsible use, and helping protect access. I have gone on many cleanups and other letter writing parties to try and do what little I could because I could not make it to meetings being in Logan. I now feel that the growth in the image of the U4 was at the expense of the mission that I joined up for, land use. I can't remember a recent organized U4 run clean-up, or do I know of anything that is scheduled.

I certainly hope that the U4 will get back to land use and when I start seeing invitations to clean ups, and a more organized front, I will be glad to rejoin the ranks.
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Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Paul, your work hasn't been wasted. U4 hasn't turned into a membership machine-- I think it's a matter of differing philosophies-- on the one hand, you need a certain critical mass, on the other you need more hardcore members no matter how many. Things are currently tipped away from land use to more of a degree than anyone is really comfortable with.
Obviously some corrective action is required, which is what this thread is all about. I find it more than a little sad that there are more responses in a critical thread than there have been in nearly ANY land-use thread, but that's another story... ;) Rest assured this is being dealt with, and I would ask for a little more patience from our frustrated members.

That said, I intend to hold you to your word-- join back up when we get straightened out. :)


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
My last post was from my phone, so I totally missed SloPoke's post.

I would respectfully submit that all the volunteers in the world will not define our mission statement. We are going to have to decide who we are. I am squarely on the side of educating the masses for the purpose of protecting access. Our website says:

Fearing that the same type of closures could occur in Utah, the active clubs banded together and founded U4WDA in 1978. The goal was to organize and unite the 4x4 community in Utah, and protect access to our public lands.

This runs counter to Todd's statement that U4 exists to "promote our hobby". I would like us to get back to the roots, and I think that's the RIGHT way to go, according to our organization's own stated purpose rather than my opinion.


Formerly Beardy McGee
Well, it'll be interesting to see where it goes from here. Seems that there is a divide amongst the U4 BOD. You have the 'education' side, the 'promote the hobby' side, and the comments from the President of the org that seem to prove the point of a 'lack of leadership'. I see alot of simple rhetoric that spins in circles.

Might seem a bit harsh, but Slopoke's post from earlier has been bothering me all day. I'll stop at that.


Sandy, Ut
Jason, we know they are working behind the scenes to hammer out these issues. It my suggestion you (we) be patient and give them the needed time to work this out. There is far better use of their time than having to defend U4 over and over to us, we've said our peace, lets hope things change for the best.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
I moved to UT back in 2007 because I was relocated from FL by my then employer. I signed up as a member at the 2007 summer convention. In Jan 08, I was fired and I moved back to FL. I didn't think that I'd ever be in UT again so I let it lapse.
In Jan 09 I accepted a job at a CO based company as a UT based rep. I was basically living out of a suitcase until 5/1 because I was going back and forth between CO and UT. Now that I'm sort of settled, I plan to re up. I still have my membership card in my wallet. I even attended one meeting back in Feb or March.

Yeah I know...... TMI.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
No, no-- Marshall asked why, and that's some damn good reason why. :D Thanks. :D

Also, I'm personally inviting you to the Teraflex Jeep Shindig at the Motorsports Park in Tooele. See the blurb on the top of the screen for info, but it's going to be a hoot. ;)


opinions are like Jeeps..
Clinton, Ut
I didnt read the whole thread but I marked other.....

Just because I dont have a clue if my membership is expired or not???

My guess is it is. Seems like its been awhile. I will get on it

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
No, no-- Marshall asked why, and that's some damn good reason why. :D Thanks. :D

Also, I'm personally inviting you to the Teraflex Jeep Shindig at the Motorsports Park in Tooele. See the blurb on the top of the screen for info, but it's going to be a hoot. ;)

I do plan on being there and if I can re up then, I will.

Todd Adams

Grammy's Spotter
Salt Lake City
I am going to get up on a soap box for a minute.
First off I can’t understand where everyone takes my statement of supporting the hobby the wrong way. There are many ways to support our hobby and one of the more important ways is to actively keep our access open. Sponsoring events, the compass, fundraising because we only ask $10 for a membership are also important. The larger we become the more work there is to keep the organization going with fewer people steeping up.
One way to keep our access open is to work with the state of Utah to establish what trails are legal. The counties and State have to sue the federal agencies on an individual road by road basis. So if the State of Utah does not acknowledge the route then the State has no interest in keeping it open. State parks and Recreation has been working on a trail system the last few years. The first published system on CD came out a few years ago for ATV’s. Now they are working on the 4x4 segment. Version 2 is out and there is a run of 5000 CD’s available to the public at no charge. The U4WDA is going to distribute these to our members in the next few months. Now here is the kicker, I distributed vs1 to a number of folks that I thought could influence the 4x4 trail system. Again if we don’t submit these routes to the state then they could be lost. No one but me made any suggestions back to State Parks and Recreation.
For those that don’t know I was appointed to the State Parks and Recreation Off Highway Vehicle Council. Members of the council advise the State on OHV Grants and OHV laws. The council is looking over about $1.5M in grant requests some that will directly affect 4x4 recreation in our state. The only reason I am posting this is that I act in the name of the Association and these are a couple of the things the Association are doing behind the scene that you may not be aware of. So for me personally I take offence when the Association is criticized for doing nothing. Oh and this is what I feel is my part to "Promote" the hobby, others on the BOD are doing their part.
Off my soapbox.
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Sandy, Ut
...Version 2 is out and there is a run of 5000 CD’s available to the public at no charge. The U4WDA is going to distribute these to our members in the next few months. Now here is the kicker, I distributed vs1 to a number of folks that I thought could influence the 4x4 trail system. Again if we don’t submit these routes to the state then they could be lost. No one but me made any suggestions back to State Parks and Recreation...

Your proving my point Todd. Its not that opportunities haven't been given to U4WDA, its that they are not made a priority and monopolized to the highest extent possible. Not just a priority for 2 or 3 on the BOD, a priority for the entire BOD.

In the case of the SP&R Trail System, U4WDA should have a committee of 10 working on this. Comparing and contrasting to trail databases we already posses in the form of books (Wells, Massey), website trail catalogs (TrailDamage, RME, U4x4C), etc. Furthermore club delegates and regional VP's should have taken a close look at their individual regions, comparing and contrasting them to FS and BLM travel plans and existing routes. Instead a couple of CD's got passed out at the BOD meetings, zero followup or follow-through nor even a known process for submitting any changes. You can't expect to hand off the CD's to a couple of people and have them research and investigate the entire state in a shotgun approach. This needed leadership, divide it into regions and make assignments, make a form for missing trails, give deadlines for submissions. What would U4's actions have been on the RMP's if I had walked into a BOD meeting and passed around a couple sets of the RMP books (3 volumes each RMP so roughly 18 1" thick books total) and said "make some suggestions". U4 needs people to take charge on important projects like this, not pass the buck.

So rather than point fingers, lets work towards results. When/how can I get a copy of the latest SPR trail database in the best format possible? I'll network with my connections and get this ball rolling. Will these CD's be available at the Tera show this weekend? What is U4's budget on this? There will need to be some money to mail these out to contacts around the state.

EDIT: I need 10 copies of that CD and the name of the person we submit changes to ASAP.

Todd, would you be interested in being the project leader for the 'Central East: Tooele, Juab, Beaver and Millard Counties'? If so PM me your mailing address.

We also need someone to cover the 'Central West: Daggett, Duchesne, Uintah, Sanpete, Carbon, Sevier, Emery, Piute and Wayne Counties' - Any takers?
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Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Todd, well put. But when the membership perceives a problem, there IS a problem. I didn't mean to get all semantic with you, either. TomAto, tomAHto. Land use/access ought to be the focus, however you want to put it. ;)


It's just one term!
Well, it'll be interesting to see where it goes from here. Seems that there is a divide amongst the U4 BOD. You have the 'education' side, the 'promote the hobby' side, and the comments from the President of the org that seem to prove the point of a 'lack of leadership'. I see alot of simple rhetoric that spins in circles.

Might seem a bit harsh, but Slopoke's post from earlier has been bothering me all day. I'll stop at that.

Some one should slap you.
There's a little more hipocracy around here than there should be.:mad:


Registered User
Wow I need to get on here more often man have I missed some chit chat. First and foremost let me say I've renewed my membership continually since becoming one and will continue to do so. In fact I even a few days ago paid for and sent in memberships on the behalf of two of my relatives that don't even live remotely close to Utah just so they can be educated on Four Wheeling, all aspects. I got a lot of friends on here and on the BOD, at least I think I do, maybe I'm delusional though, who knows. I also understand that all BOD members are participating on a volunteer basis. It takes a lot of time away; at least it ought to, from family and other activities that you would rather be doing. If you haven't ever been part of such a board of any organization than you probably should before you criticize. I've been there...........many times so

In actuality service projects, RMP responses etc. should come from local clubs with U4 as an organization these local clubs look to for advice not leading them. Todd Adams

Buddy, you are making one really bad assumption. I'll submit to you that if the U4WDA didn't exist service projects would still continue on by the local clubs. Since I have been a member it is my believe that the association, past and present BOD only takes credit for the work of other clubs organizing their service projects. The BOD should develop a hit list of trails that are in danger of closing, and develop a "unified club effort" to help in what ever way possible to keep them open. I don't see that going on; I only see the assoc jumping on the coat tails of other clubs on this issue.

Originally Posted by Todd Adams
I know for a fact that all of the active local clubs realize the impact SRP’s hold for their future.

Wanna bet? One of the bigger and more active clubs in Utah had really no clue until just several months ago when I dropped one of them a note in regards to a major trip they were planning. The trip planner (whom plans 20 or so trips a year for several clubs) had no clue and scrambled for an answer. A phone call to the BLM and sure enough they had to alter their plans. I know my club the Wasatch Cruisers knows little to nothing about it. Even those clubs that are familiar with the SRP's are still confused, hell everybody is confused about the criteria for a permit. We've been discussing this in the past few days with a handful of major players, you'd be surprised what an issue this could become. I know for a fact 1/2 of your board members don't know the first things about SRP's, and your going to try and tell me its "fact" that all the clubs know. Just not the case Todd.

You got to be joking Todd, I would consider myself to be active in land use issues more than most and can think of only a dozen or so folks that I'm aware of being more active one being you, and most definitely Kurt, & Don. The person Kurt was referring to above was me (thanks for the anonymity Kurt, but I don't need it). The truth is most folks individually could not possibly keep up with every single RMP let alone every single paragraph, that is why they need an Association that can make a collective effort, summarize it, then disseminate it on down to the general four wheeling public, hopefully in something such as the compass. Emails are nice but if other folks are anything like me on average at best guess I get over 400 emails in any given day both professional and personally. I'll submit to you that the vast majority of local club members couldn't even tell you what RMP stands for, literally. I find myself constantly explaining what RMP's, RS2477, & WSA's are to folks who are wanting to learn more. I may be mistaken because I read darn near every 4x4 rag out there but when was the last time if ever has any "expert", far from being me, wrote an article on RS2477 what it is, how it came to be, what's the controversy. Same goes with RMP's and WSA's. I had to do my own research on those subjects to figure out what an extremely limited few were talking about. I know many BOD members are frustrated on the lack of volunteers, I feel ya, I'm not sure I have an answer for that because I feel the same darn frustration trying to get volunteers for a simple clean up. It's amazing you have John Doe show up for every club run until it's the clean up run then he ghosts on you. I don't get it and probably never will.

Now here is the kicker, I distributed vs1 to a number of folks that I thought could influence the 4x4 trail system. Again if we don’t submit these routes to the state then they could be lost. No one but me made any suggestions back to State Parks and Recreation.

You know apparently you handed a disk to a friend of mine to give to me to Quote, look it over. No further guidance. I looked at that disk; there's no organization of it, and most importantly how is only 1 or 10 folks going to possibly validate all the trails in Utah. Do you realize that there are roughly 2,500 trails? That is an enormous task. I also would ask by us reviewing these disks how is that going to make something legal. Please explain that? I can tell you as of right now there are many counties that haven't submitted not one single RS2477 and they are the counties that are the most populated. Those that have submitted are missing an enormous amount of trails. This stuff takes time man. I'm only up to 280 some trails on Utah4x4club site and I've been at it now for 3 years.

Here are some suggestions:
1. Get the "expert", whoever that may be, to write a few articles in the Compass magazine to begin the education process of those that are not in the know; Start with basic RS2477, basic RMP, and basic WSA. Why WSA, because once it gets to that status we are really losing the fight.

2. Come up with a clear and concise agenda and publish it.

3. Save the money spent on T-shirts for NLPD and use it to develop, print, and distribute PPI's (Promotional Publicity Items) that will address what it is that the U4WDA is all about. Why do I need a T-shirt to show I helped out on something. This will help in the recruiting effort I'm certain of because there isn't a sole on here that has more experience in recruiting than me. If you select the info correctly to go into the PPI the organization will speak for itself and therefore more effort can be directed at more important issues.

4. People are inherited lazy and like things handed to them so do just that. Next compass magazine list all the POC's for voicing land use concerns; state and federal congressman, BLM Managers and such, put it out there for all to see. Show them how to make contact with these folks. Teach them what to address in their letters and emails. Don’t do it for them, but teach them.

5. There are 29 counties, unless I just miscounted, get 29 volunteers or better to review this CD that Todd is referring to. I would double up on the bigger trail counties such as Emery, Grand, and San Juan but before that please explain how this is going to make trails legal, because if that isn't fact I don't want to be wasting my precious time doing this for someones pet project.
Now what is the hardest part of item 5? Finding 29 folks who flat out know their stuff when it comes to mapping and has the tools in order to do it. Might be tougher said then done.
Second issue is getting folks to voluntarily give up the info on their favorite local trails. I've run into this in my own efforts to map the entire state, something of which I'll never understand.
The third issue is coming up with the standard format; NAD27 or WGS, do we go with degrees, minutes, seconds, or decimal degrees, or UTM, etc, etc.

All that said I, Jeff Ross, being a self proclaimed expert in all things land nav as well as recruiting do hereby volunteer to verify and map Emery County (I already have a huge jump on it). Here's a little start for those volunteers to follow; http://recorded2477roads.utah.gov/index.html I also volunteer to create the PPI based on the information provided to me from the Association. It’s part of what I do professionally. I did this for the Utah4x4club and I think it came out pretty darn well. I as well, volunteer, which I've done twice now and will not again so take advantage of it, to help with the Compass Magazine in anyway shape or form, but preferably editing being that it is a portion of my professional job (by know means an expert, still learning big time).

In closing, we need to unite folks, that is the only way we will beat the eco nazi's. Ten bucks is chump change for most and the Compass alone is well worth it, in fact I don't know how the Association makes ends meet only getting $10.00 per membership. Put up or shut up, volunteer today and be part of the solution not part of the teeth tearing away at the fabric that "might" keep our hobby alive and well in Utah. BOD, all though there may be slight differences thank you kindly for all the hours that you put into this organization. I absolutely know what it is like. Oh and last but not least, you got to take it with a grain of salt because it is impossible to please everyone.