Winch anchors on Pritchett


Suddenly Enthusiastic
Tough to get any perspective on the size of that anchor. Can you hook your winch hook right to it, or can it only be used with a strap? How did you install it? Just drill a hole and drop it in? We need some winch anchor 101 for an upcoming project. :)

Mead, WA
RockMonkey said:
Tough to get any perspective on the size of that anchor. Can you hook your winch hook right to it, or can it only be used with a strap? How did you install it? Just drill a hole and drop it in? We need some winch anchor 101 for an upcoming project. :)
Thinking the same thing!

This would be a cool project (fence on Pritchett) - go up, put the fence in, and then finish running Pritchett! I'd be all over that, too!!!! Next to the Rubicon, my all time favorite trail.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I don't want to seem like I am on the wrong side of the "fence" with this question, but.....
I know a lot of people who run Pritchett up to Yellow hill and turn around and run the trail backwards rather than going ALL THE WAY around on the county road and driving a non-street legal vehcle at freeway speeds back to town. I would bet maybe hundreds of you might have done this, maybe, maybe not. Every time I have done this, I have taken the "bypass" down (the left side of) Rocker Knocker, never really thought about driving down Rocker Knocker itself. With the "bypass" fenced off people will have no choice but to drive down R.Kn. itself. That sounds like a lot of roll-overs(endos) to me. The question is, I see that area becoming a huge bottleneck with only one pass through, has any one concidered this?
If it must be so, then it must be so. I would rather deal with a bottleneck than loose the trail all together, but that obsticle may get renamed white knuckle II :)

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
Crinco said:
Ok, I don't want to seem like I am on the wrong side of the "fence" with this question, but.....
I know a lot of people who run Pritchett up to Yellow hill and turn around and run the trail backwards rather than going ALL THE WAY around on the county road and driving a non-street legal vehcle at freeway speeds back to town. I would bet maybe hundreds of you might have done this, maybe, maybe not. Every time I have done this, I have taken the "bypass" down (the left side of) Rocker Knocker, never really thought about driving down Rocker Knocker itself. With the "bypass" fenced off people will have no choice but to drive down R.Kn. itself. That sounds like a lot of roll-overs(endos) to me. The question is, I see that area becoming a huge bottleneck with only one pass through, has any one concidered this?
If it must be so, then it must be so. I would rather deal with a bottleneck than loose the trail all together, but that obsticle may get renamed white knuckle II :)

I always drive out backward like you say--it's a fun trail backward, but there's no reason to skip the fun obstacles backward. Going down Rockpile will get your attention, but going down Rocker Knocker is actually really easy and almost anticlimactic compared to what you think it's going to do to you. Really the hardest part about going out backward was climbing up that very first obstacle, but it sounds like that's a non-issue now.


I luv Pritchett
Originally posted by RockMonkey
Tough to get any perspective on the size of that anchor. Can you hook your winch hook right to it, or can it only be used with a strap? How did you install it? Just drill a hole and drop it in? We need some winch anchor 101 for an upcoming project.

The anchors are 1.5" solid bar stock, with a 3/8" x 4" +/- flange. They are installed using a drilled hole and industrial epoxy. The anchor diameter is too big for most winch hooks, but a tree-saver strap or chain can be wrapped around them.


somewhat damaged
I Lean said:
I always drive out backward like you say--it's a fun trail backward, but there's no reason to skip the fun obstacles backward. Going down Rockpile will get your attention, but going down Rocker Knocker is actually really easy and almost anticlimactic compared to what you think it's going to do to you. Really the hardest part about going out backward was climbing up that very first obstacle, but it sounds like that's a non-issue now.

Everytime I drive down Rockpile, I nearly crap my pants. I hate the uncontrolled drop as you slide down it. :eek: Backing down it is a whole different story, quite easy.

I agree. Driving down Rocker Knocker is quick and painless, as long as you are smart about the line. Most groups shouldn't have a problem letting a couple people down and in return allowing them to attempt & drive up. It's all part of sharing the trail.


Suddenly Enthusiastic
Crinco said:
Ok, I don't want to seem like I am on the wrong side of the "fence" with this question, but.....
I know a lot of people who run Pritchett up to Yellow hill and turn around and run the trail backwards rather than going ALL THE WAY around on the county road and driving a non-street legal vehcle at freeway speeds back to town. I would bet maybe hundreds of you might have done this, maybe, maybe not. Every time I have done this, I have taken the "bypass" down (the left side of) Rocker Knocker, never really thought about driving down Rocker Knocker itself. With the "bypass" fenced off people will have no choice but to drive down R.Kn. itself. That sounds like a lot of roll-overs(endos) to me. The question is, I see that area becoming a huge bottleneck with only one pass through, has any one concidered this?
If it must be so, then it must be so. I would rather deal with a bottleneck than loose the trail all together, but that obsticle may get renamed white knuckle II :)
Pardon my ignorance, but isn't that exactly what stingers are for? You should be able to drive down anything! Driving down the rockpile is fun! It doesn't really take any skill. If it starts to feel bad, just hit the gas for a second and you'll be down (on your wheels) in no time. Rocker Knocker is no big deal to drive down. Much easier driving down it than up it.


Well-Known Member
Well, Ive done white knuckle, I can do Rocker Knocker. And your right most people should'nt have a problem and I hope it never gets too bad. I have spent HOURS waiting behind large groups that get backed up at R.K. and then the rock pile and then yellow hill. It can be one of the slowest moving trails (you know what I mean:rolleyes: ) down there.
But what the heck, as long as there is a place to wheel I'll be happy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's what their for, but that doesn't mean I EVER what to use it!
I have driven off ledges before, I just have never gone down RK before, every group I have been with aways takes the "bypass" going back. I am not afraid to try it, just never have.


Suddenly Enthusiastic
If I'm going to do Pritchett, I always make sure to get out early. Get it done before the crowd arrives.