Originally posted by redrock
so there are people that do help. i hate school but really good with hands on. i really what to learn something that fun to do
School does suck but I tell you what, it has helped me run my business more smoothly a million times.... I started out in College as a business managment major... needless to say I have quite a bit of experience with accouting, taxes etc... I then change my major to Mechanical Engineering where I am a Sophmire now... I tell you what... not a day goes by that I don't learn something that could and should be applied to building/fabrication... wether it be material strengths, weld depths, truss design etc... all good stuff...
One thing that I take pride in over alot of my fellow students is the fact that I do have hands on experience like Sukab was referring to.... it helps out a ton... we talk about welding materials and such, and alot of kids have never welded anything, let alone, bent, fabed, used the plasma cutter... It really helps to have a good knowledge of shop practices and tools.