I wanted to thank you for taking the time to drop me an e-mail to express your support for Wyoming HB104 – Firearms Freedom Act. I have been overwhelmed by the show of support. I apologize for the impersonal nature of this e-mail, but I’ve received more e-mails about this bill than any other topic in my time in the Wyoming House of Representatives. I wish I had time to write each of you individually, but I don’t – thus this e-mail. I wanted to answer some common questions about the bill and let you know how you can help.
First of all, here is the process the bill will go through: Right now the bill has been assigned a bill #. The next step is it will be read in by the Speaker of the House and assigned to a committee. I expect this will happen in the next few days. Then it will be heard in committee within a few days after that. If it passes in committee, it will go to the House floor for debate and 3 days of votes (1st reading and general debate, 2nd reading which is only to add amendments, and 3rd reading which is the final vote and final chance for debate). If it passes all 3 days then it will go to the Senate where this process will be repeated. If it passes the Senate, it is on to the Governor for a signature or veto. This entire process will be done by sometime in February.
I’ve been asked a lot what the chances are of this bill passing. The chances are good, but it is by no means a sure thing. We will need help convincing my fellow legislators to support it.
Here is how you can help – The group drafted this bill for me is WYGO (Wyoming Gun Owners). They also drafted the original version of this bill that passed in 2009 and our bill to allow for Constitutional Carry that passed in 2011. WYGO is prepared to get the word out to help mobilize support, but they need money to get their message in the mail. Even a small donation helps. Here is their web page:
For those of you who live in Wyoming, please contact your representative and senator and ask them to support the bill.
For those of you who are out of state, please contact your state legislators and ask them to introduce similar legislation. If we get other states to follow our lead it will help build momentum. If you find a legislator who is willing to introduce a bill, WYGO will be glad to help them draft a bill, as will I.
And Wyoming is a great place to live and we would love to have more freedom loving people in our state.
If you haven’t read the bill, here it is: (The words in normal text is existing law, the underlined (and crossed out) text is what would be changed in the law if the bill passes.)
Again, I would like to thank you for taking the time to e-mail me. I can’t express strongly enough how encouraging it is for me.
Yours in liberty,
Kendell Kroeker
Wyoming House of Representatives, district 35