Wanted XBOX 360 Wired Controller


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Supporting Member
I'm looking for a wired XBOX 360 controller. Specifically I'm looking for one that has to be connected via wire and isn't wireless capable. I've got a wireless one that I can't get to what I want (not trying to play on an xbox) so I'm hoping someone out there has one of these laying around collecting dust.



Well-Known Member
Supporting Member

So the reason I want this is to play video games....on my android phone/tablet. Basically with an adapter that will convert the micro usb to regular usb you are able to plug in a controller and it will just work. There isn't much configuration other than button mapping that needs to be done. I have a wireless xbox 360 controller but with this one I have to use a micro usb to usb in addition to a wireless signal converter. I have both of these parts but I can't get the wireless controller to connect or register with the phone. I gave away my xbox but found this controller in storage. I'm not sure if the battery is charging or if the actual controller is bad. Like most things simple is best so I am still looking for a wired controller.

I have OG Super Mario and Contra ROMs running in an emulator that I want to play but the screen buttons are the worst. I get ready to jump over a turtle and my fat fingers have slid too far to one side and rather than jumping over the stupid thing I run right into them. Frustrating. I'm hoping to get this running on my Samsung Note 4 then push it to my TV via Chromecast and be able to play sweet games. I'd also love to get this working on my Nexus 7 (2012) tablet but it seems I soft bricked it trying to flash Android 5.0 last night.

Anyway, I thought if I explained what I was up to it may spark some of you guys to go rustle around in your entertainment centers to see if you have a spare wired controller.

Screen shot of my Note 4 while playing Mario.
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