YO!!! Please read and give your input.....


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
From USA-ALL (are you a member?) .... good group with your recreation interests at heart. Take a few minutes and fill out the survey. We all know we spend money, let's put it to work! (hope you don't mind Mike?)

Dear Friends,
In his first week in office, Governor Huntsman has put together an
Outdoor Recreation Task Force. This task force has set-up a website for the
purpose of identifying and evaluating Utah's outdoor recreation gems.
Please, please, please, go to this site
(http://utahreach.org/RuralPartners/surveys/RecGem) and fill out as many
surveys as you can. We need to show that the motorized community is a
valuable source of tourism dollars and that it is we who bring dollars to
rural economies. The environmentalists will surely fill out many surveys. We
know it is those of us who pull camp trailers, and OHV'S, and other toys,
that really bring tourism dollars. Read the instructions and then take the
survey. This info gathered by the State could very easily be ammunition for
or against us depending on our response or lack of.
I also want to give you a "heads-up". There are many important
matters that will be coming at us in the upcoming months. There are many BLM
plans that will affect how public land is used for you and for your
We ask that you spread the word of how important it is that we as a
community unite and stand up for our rights, it's time we take back our
lands. We have great momentum, the environmentalists are on their heals, we
must keep pushing. USA-ALL is committed to restoring common sense to public
land management. We will keep you informed, and monitor the processes that
will affect you, but we need your support.
Utah Shared Access Alliance has never been stronger, but we need you
to spread the word of who we are and what we are trying to do. Encourage
your friends, family and neighbors to join us, if you where once a member
but have let your membership lapse, renew it. Sign up your business, your
club. We have some big legal battles; donate to our Legal Defense Fund.
It would also be helpful if you would update your contact info, we
need to send you correspondence, and newsletters. Returned mail is an
expense to us and takes dollars that could be put to better use.
We need to keep the heat on the enviro's. It's through your generous
giving, that we can continue to defend what is morally right, and that is
responsible access to public land. We are so grateful to you who help us in
many ways. Thank you for all you have done.
We feel the time has never been better to truly make a difference,
we hope you catch our enthusiasm; we need you and all those you know. To
relax now would be disastrous. Now is the time to act, get on board!

Mike Swenson
Executive Director
Utah Shared Access Alliance (USA-ALL)

Main: 801.465.1145
Fax: 801.465.6972
Toll Free: 866.265.3434
email: mikes@usa-all.com
