Your Pic of The Day


Registered User
Salt Lake City
Mines a bit different.

I spearheaded our neighnorhood Easter egg hunt this year after the guy who did it last moved prior to Covid. The last 2 years no one gave a thia year I said WTF.

Approx 2200-2500 eggs stuffed and gwtting ready to be hid in the AM. I am kind of kicking myself for it because I have enough going on and didnt really have the time to dedicate to this...but I missed the neighborhood doing things that brought everyone together. When you aren't "of the majority" you get left out of a lot of neighborhood activities....except this.


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But stuck more often.
When you aren't "of the majority" you get left out of a lot of neighborhood activities....except this.
Pike, glad to hear you headed up the egg hunt. It’s a good time and every neighborhood needs people like you to head this stuff up.
As I’m one “of the majority”, I was a bit bugged at your comment I referenced above. Over the years I have spent countless hours (face to face or by leaving fliers on doorsteps, etc.) inviting my neighbors to various events so I have some experience in this area. When I have invited neighbors who are not “of the majority” to events, activities, and parties, the VAST MAJORITY, turn down the invitation and many even get mad at me for the invite. I’d just like to challenge you to take them up on the offer next time you do get invited. At least don’t get mad for the invite… or for not getting invited. Also know that visitors are always welcome. You don’t need to be invited so there’s no reason you should feel left out. And remember there’s a lot of stupid people in the majority. Take them with a grain of salt.
Good luck.


Sandy, Ut
The 'majority' in SLC are not LDS. I assumed as he was "not of the majority" he was LDS and planned an Easter egg hunt for his fellow ward members. :D

I'm not LDS (well I'm an ancestral Morman :D ) and our neighbors invite us to all sorts of random events fwiw. Perhaps they somehow sense I'm an indigenous Mormon.
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Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Pike, glad to hear you headed up the egg hunt. It’s a good time and every neighborhood needs people like you to head this stuff up.
As I’m one “of the majority”, I was a bit bugged at your comment I referenced above. Over the years I have spent countless hours (face to face or by leaving fliers on doorsteps, etc.) inviting my neighbors to various events so I have some experience in this area. When I have invited neighbors who are not “of the majority” to events, activities, and parties, the VAST MAJORITY, turn down the invitation and many even get mad at me for the invite. I’d just like to challenge you to take them up on the offer next time you do get invited. At least don’t get mad for the invite… or for not getting invited. Also know that visitors are always welcome. You don’t need to be invited so there’s no reason you should feel left out. And remember there’s a lot of stupid people in the majority. Take them with a grain of salt.
Good luck.
I grew up "of the majority", though I'm not now. In my experience, a lot of neighborhood invitations are pretty poorly disguised "fellowshipping"/proselytizing attempts (not saying that's you, Josh, just that's most of the overtures I've received). I generally turn those down too.

I expect things are different from ward to ward, though, in that regard.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Having been in plenty of meetings with ward leaders to discuss how to help non-members in our ward boundaries and engage them in neighborhood activities, I too was a bit irked. I know not everybody’s experience is the same and I respect that but our Bishop invited every family in our boundaries to a Christmas celebration last year and a guy went to his house, knocked on the door and threw it in his wife’s face and told her not to put fliers on his door. So there are definitely two sides to this. I don’t doubt that it can be a strange experience but I hope that everybody remembers that most people are good and are trying to be good neighbors, regardless of religious affiliation.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I don’t think pike was trying to start something or be aggressive. I think his point is accurate.

I am surrounded by neighbors on 3 sides not in the majority group, and they do get left out.
I even expressed to a couple of them that I understand their feelings more during the 2020 Covid that shut down church. I felt like a total outcast in my own neighborhood because of the lack of weekly connections.

I do a LOT for my non-member neighbors, and just spent 4 days camping with one of the families.

I think that no matter what side of the fence you are on, we are all just doing our best to be good people… and those that are not are going to be offended either way.
I am sure that a lot of good intentions come across wrong.. but were just misunderstood
Be a good person, and treat others well… and that should be good enough.

EDIT: thinking a little more about it, most people want to be a part of things, but most can’t or won’t make the time and effort to make it happen. I think pike stepping up for his neighborhood is awesome.
I think it was @benjy who shared the story about a guy building a firepit in his front yard instead of his backyard. That inspired me to build a deck in my front yard. It has made a huge difference in visiting with neighbors that we normally would not have had a chance to.
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I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
This picture captures so much of my daughter’s personality. This was 30 MPH gusts of wind kicking up crazy dirt waves. She’s just chillin, in her riding boots, eating Doritos.

View attachment 148410
She is a bad ass little girl. I was so stoked watching her pit at the national. Came in crying and took off 30 seconds later to finish her race. Whatever you are doing as her dad, you are doing it amazingly well.


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
She is a bad ass little girl. I was so stoked watching her pit at the national. Came in crying and took off 30 seconds later to finish her race. Whatever you are doing as her dad, you are doing it amazingly well.
Thanks man. Honestly that means a lot to me. Parenting feels like a science experiment that is either going to work or end up exploding in your face ha ha


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member

This is a cable at the end of Hole in the Rock trail. It heads directly toward the river. I don't know anything else about it, but it sure gets my imagination going.

Also, we met a great grandson of Mr. Hobbs on the trail yesterday. Hobbs was the guy who wandered after a Mountain Sheep down off of Grey Mesa and found the route down from there for the wagons. Really damn cool experience.
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Sandy, Ut
View attachment 148416

This is a cable at the end of Hole in the Rock trail. It heads directly toward the river. I don't know anything else a out it, but it sure gets my imagination going.

Also, we met a great grandson of Mr. Hobbs on the trail yesterday. Hobbs was the guy who wandered after a Mountain Sheep down off of Grey Mesa and found the route down from there for the wagons. Really damn cool experience.

The cable is part of the Jeep run in the early 60's


Recovering XJ owner anonymous
Southern Utah
I love that we are out wheeling again. Katelynn drove all of Double Sammi yesterday. She did great and is learning how to use the clutch and gas quite well. I don't know too many 15 year girls out there wheeling manuals. So proud of her.

For selfish reasons I am also teaching here because I want buggy seat time also.
