ZUKTAH Snakes trip


Formerly WJ ZUK
I went out today with the zuktah group to go wheel the snakes, and was unofficially elected as trail leader:confused: I have never seen so many samurai's in one spot before, but it was fun. I met a lot of nice guys and had a good, but long day.
Carnage consisted of a blown radiator hose right off the bat on a samurai. Then after the falls on rattle snake a yellow samurai buggy lost a cotter pin/ nut on his steering which got easily repair. We continued on and a bretty nice/built tracker was flexing on a tailing pile and shatered one of his side windows. Only a handful of us did consticter and while attempting to do the nest unassisted his stretched yellow sami buggy, the upper link let loose which broke the driveshaft u joint and his shock mounts etc. He was able to winch it back into place and get it back together- held with his winch and battery welded the link back into place enough to get out. Heres the couple pics I got


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Huh. At first I was all "hey what the hell is that hose hanging down" and then I clicked the thumb and I see that oh, it's not a hose 'tall: it's a COIL!!! Noice!
It was a fun run, I left about half way through WW to head home it was taking forever to run the trails with so many rig's. Wish I could have ran Con but had to get home. Glad your picture caught me wedging myself in to my Samurai. :)
you forgot the white sami, that was attempting WW, and blew is axle shaft..(he later got to camp, and realized he broke one axle, stripped the other, and blew is spool to bits!) and not to mention all the broken left rear tail lights from attemping WW..(myself included) I will get my batch of pics up...








You can also go here for more pics! http://www.zukiworld.com/forum/index.php?topic=18864.0
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It was a fun run, I left about half way through WW to head home it was taking forever to run the trails with so many rig's. Wish I could have ran Con but had to get home. Glad your picture caught me wedging myself in to my Samurai. :)

So, is yours the OD Green one? I was thinking of it being blue...Did you end up painting it?