Political So now what

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Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Not surprising at all. In fact, I predicted it. :D He put all his money and effort into Iowa thinking that a win there would propel his campaign forward to New Hampshire, South Carolina, etc. etc. He vastly underperformed his expectations in Iowa (though not pollsters), and was already bleeding money and losing donor support before the caucus. Without a win, no money, and no ground game in NH or SC; he had no path forward.

The upside to this is that we now have a two horse race. Most of the DeSantis supporters are going to vote for Trump, because that's who he's now endorsed, and those are the voters who he was trying to appeal to. But now there is a clear delineation, Trump or Haley. This hopefully will make things a little more competitive and interesting.
Mostly I was surprised by his full endorsement of Trump. Like, maybe he was offered a VP spot or a cabinet position. I’d be pleased with either.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
Can someone give me the 411 on the Texas/feds situation. I understand Texas is solving their own issues, and the feds don't like it. I've only seen a few things.. but seems like it's getting tense?

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
Feds aren't doing their duty to protect the borders.

Texas put razor wire and other barricades up along parts of the Texas border.

Feds made plans to or did remove parts of the barrier.

Texas asked for an injunction to stop the Feds from removing the barrier and got it in district court. (I think district 6)

Biden asked for an emergency review from the US Supreme Court to override the injunction.

Supreme Court overrode the injunction (did not consider it as law) which now allows the Feds to resume plans to remove the barrier.

There wasn't an explanation with this thus no dissent but 4 "conservative" justices disagreed with the ruling.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
If our government isn’t going to enforce the borders at all, why don’t we just send buses over there and ask them if they want a ride? I’d really hate for someone who is breaking the law, entering our country illegally to get cut… 🙄

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
If our government isn’t going to enforce the borders at all, why don’t we just send buses over there and ask them if they want a ride? I’d really hate for someone who is breaking the law, entering our country illegally to get cut… 🙄
Texas and other border states (and other inland states) feel the same way, how can Biden be doing this while his press secretary is saying, "He was just at the border (Jan. 2023) it's contained and things are fine" while Texas is fighting to uphold the current law? Voters should see this as absolute hypocrisy and care enough to vote as such. I know, he finally admitted there are "problems" at the border, does he try to fix them, no way, he fights to make the border easier to cross.

Ok, I'm getting riled up, time for a rest.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
In any discussion of the border and immigration, it needs to be broken in to 2 distinct parts. The laws around immigration and the laws about securing the border. You can make valid points that there needs to be overhaul to our immigration process and laws, but it does not justify allowing people to cross unvetted and released into the country. I am not against immigration, but I am 100% against what this administration has done to let people free flow into the country.

I 110% believe that something will happen due to this free flow of single military aged men from countries like China, Syria, Russia and others that are not allies to us in the next Presidents term. The question is how big will it be.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
In any discussion of the border and immigration, it needs to be broken in to 2 distinct parts. The laws around immigration and the laws about securing the border. You can make valid points that there needs to be overhaul to our immigration process and laws, but it does not justify allowing people to cross unvetted and released into the country. I am not against immigration, but I am 100% against what this administration has done to let people free flow into the country.

I 110% believe that something will happen due to this free flow of single military aged men from countries like China, Syria, Russia and others that are not allies to us in the next Presidents term. The question is how big will it be.

Wait, infiltrate and attack from within? When has that ever worked?


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
Nothing quite like someone that has been in prison for 12 years for terrorism showing up at the border...

The “alleged” terrorist warning Americans “Soon you’ll know who I am” appears to be Movsum Samadov, a Muslim who was released in January 2023 after serving 12 years for being a terrorist. Will the democrats voters ever wake up to the invasion at the southern border? Right video credit to


Registered User
The issues at the border will never be solved with walls or wire alone.

While I don't discount that some cross with bad intentions, the majority are simply desperate people seeking a better life.

There are really two options on how to deal with that reality, and both are probably needed.

One is make it so people have less of a need to leave their home countries by improving security and local economic conditions.

The US can have some influence there through foreign aid. However, the America First/MAGA wing of politics opposes that.

Second, the surest way to decrease illegal immigration is to simplify and expand options for legal immigration. Congress continues to prevent this and in general Republicans have been far less willing to do so.

A final aspect of illegal immigration and asylum seekers (those are not the same thing although media reports seldom differentiate them) is the need to decrease their impact on local communities. I agree the impact on social services is huge.

We have record low unemployment and many industries struggle to hire staff but immigrants are forced to wait months to years to get work authorization. It makes no sense to me as to why they are not allowed to work.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
These stories make me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo angry.

This boy is injured by a known problem dog. Pitbull or not, totally preventable.

This lady was 4x's the limit. I happen to know that she has multiple DUI arrests, and extensive alcohol issues. My friend was the one who picked the brains of the motorcycle rider off the street.

There are literally thousands of stories like this all the time. Gun deaths, rapes, DUI's, over and over people are not held accountable and are released to do it all over again.

/Rant off.


Well-Known Member
Millcreek, UT
As a nearly lifelong Motorcyclist, I will be shocked if this drunk b**** is actually held accountable. It seems like drivers who take out riders, usually with the same lame excuse "Oh, I didn't see them" rarely are held accountable. Don't drive drunk, and put down your damn phone!

Don't get me started on irresponsible pet owners...


Smooth Gang Founding Member
As a nearly lifelong Motorcyclist, I will be shocked if this drunk b**** is actually held accountable. It seems like drivers who take out riders, usually with the same lame excuse "Oh, I didn't see them" rarely are held accountable. Don't drive drunk, and put down your damn phone!

Don't get me started on irresponsible pet owners...
That’s car vs rider in general too. A deaf lady turned left in front of me on my motorscooter because she was reading her daughter’s lips. For real. I put my shoulder and elbow through her windshield and rolled over the top of her car but I was fine because I had my noggin’ lid on. I was still pissed but it went to 11 when I heard her asking the officer “do you have to write me a ticket?”

People suck and drunk drivers are among the lowest of the lows IMO.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
the more stuff like this happens the more I’m open to the simulation theory. What’s so funny about a old person failing apart on stage.

I don't think there's anything funny about it. The funny, sad, ironic, BS part of it is the way the Dems pretend he's ok. He isn't healthy enough to do this job effectively. The humor is how ridiculous his supporters look when they prop him up and deny anything is wrong.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
I don't think there's anything funny about it. The funny, sad, ironic, BS part of it is the way the Dems pretend he's ok. He isn't healthy enough to do this job effectively. The humor is how ridiculous his supporters look when they prop him up and deny anything is wrong.
I know a few people who voted for him. None of them make any statements about him being even ok, just that he isn't Trump.

I have a peer that is way left leaning, not into the non binary dragon people space but classically liberal. He is also from Texas and was telling me how bad this boarder issue is. I agreed and asked how the feds can stop the state from enforcing laws. He was not on the same page as me. He is concerned about a story of Texas officials watching immigrant children drown in the Rio Grande and was against them enforcing immigration law because of that. I struggle with this line of thinking because it's always emotional blackmail with certain political groups. Like threatening to suspend social security every time the federal budget is in limbo. They never threaten to remove funding for some obscure study, always lead with the fear, both sides. I would wager there are many more children suffering because we have enabled a black market of underclass people than a specific incident where children drown trying to cross the river. Maybe I'm wrong, but I know you don't make laws using emotion.