How much do you tip?


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
hmm, about 20% typically.

I tip service at least 20-25% unless it's absolutely horrid, then more like 15%.

Bucking Bronco

I usually am around 20-25% for Restaurants but for delivery drivers I guess I have been cheaping out as I usually only give like $2.00


Well-Known Member
It really depends. I will tip 50%+ if the service is good, if it's a small meal (like a lunch) then I've often tipped 100%+. Since we are talking delivery drivers, if they get there within the time frame specified, then they can almost always plan on atleast 25%, if it's slow, wrong, cold, etc then I don't hesitate not to tip. Overall I'm a very generous tipper but your the tip is earned, not given.
For pizza delivery, I normally tip $2 to $5 as long as they were prompt, nice, and the pizza is still hot. When eating out, my norm is 20-25% unless you're a wicked monkey. I refuse to pay people who aren't nice to me.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
15-30%. More in some cases but you'd have had to bring me something out or recommended something I wouldn't have thought of that made the meal that much more enjoyable.

(I usually just go pick up the pizzas. Delivery takes to long IMHO)


Your Realtor
Woods Cross, UT
$1 per pizza if the place has a "delivery charge". I figure the delivery charge is part of the tip just like restaurants setting the tip amount at x%.

If no delivery charge then 25% total bill.


somewhat damaged
Man, some of you people must come across some really good waiters quite often.

I tip nicely when it's merited, but it definitely does not happen that often.

edit - ah this was about pizza delivery. I avoid delivery. :eek:


Wandering the desert
Man, some of you people must come across some really good waiters quite often.

I tip nicely when it's merited, but it definitely does not happen that often.

I tip well when I get great service, but if I have to wait on a drink refill, or wait a long time for the bill (I hate this the worst) the tip definately goes down.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
You all tip pretty well it sounds like. I have a friend who delivered in SLC for a few years, he always talks about how bad the tipping in general was in slc. lol