SEIU Union Leaders outline May 2011 plan to destroy the US economy - caught on tape!


Well-Known Member
Highland Springs
Right... Well when I get home I'll provide you with a bibliography for my statements.
While we all wait for that, would you please produce some scholarly articles to back up your statements rather than just some home brew YouTube videos and articles from right wing bloggers who are just spouting rhetoric. I'd like to see some serious research on what you are claiming is about to happen. It adds credibility to your statements, after all.

You can choose to ignore and discount the words of the individuals who make their objectives pretty darn clear.

Not my claims, their words.

The Democratic Socialist of America praise the efforts of SEIU, AFL-CIO, etc. in 2010. Things We Liked.pdf

BTW, I have no political party affilliation. My loyalty is to Constitutional principles and values. I vote for individuals, based on their merits, regardless of the R -D or I next to their name on the ballot.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
My grandfather A. J. Waddell was a socialist from Kansas that was going to run for President on the Socialist ticket in the 1920's and later refused because in his words "they were being taken over by the Communist" I realize this is second person but it is what he said. Chaffetz is doing the right thing, find out the truth then we can all stop wondering.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
You can choose to ignore and discount the words of the individuals who make their objectives pretty darn clear.

....and you can choose to ignore someone with a knowledge of history sufficient to show that these conspiracy theories are nothing new.

The funny thing about this is, people will spout all of this nonsense off, then when it doesn't come true they seem to disappear only to reappear at the next instance. :rofl:

I wish I had Stephen's knowledge of history though...although when arguing with people who want to believe what they want to believe regardless of truth, I think it would make me pull my hair out. Come to think of it, he does have rather sparse hair.....


It's just one term!
Right... Well when I get home I'll provide you with a bibliography for my statements.
While we all wait for that, would you please produce some scholarly articles to back up your statements rather than just some home brew YouTube videos and articles from right wing bloggers who are just spouting rhetoric. I'd like to see some serious research on what you are claiming is about to happen. It adds credibility to your statements, after all.

I missed the right wing bloggers, and these home brew YouTube videos are actually what happened. In real life, it happened. really.
It's been researched and this is the result. If you need more that it's easy to find.
The only thing I don't understand is why people who are obviously anti capitalist, anti free market cannot be considered anti American.:confused:


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
It's been researched and this is the result. If you need more that it's easy to find.

I think he's asking for this research. If it's so easy to find, then you won't have a problem sourcing it. I'm sure there is a wealth of independently verifiable information out there from sources that don't have an active interest in this.

In academia, research needs to be from a source other than....itself. You can't have 10 people get together for a crazy ad-lib party, then quote each other and expect that to be good enough. Lots of people manufacture fire in the minds of people by planting their own seeds of smoke. We call those people conspiracy theorists and cult leaders, and thankfully their brand of crazy only works on people who really want to believe there is a reason why life is a struggle and they don't have a fancy car, huge bank account, and the power to do whatever they want, whenever they want.

Information needs to be independently verifiable, and unfortunately this sort of thing has a little something called "all of American and human history" working against it.
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Well-Known Member
Highland Springs
This is a letter from a Representative siting his view that what the SEIU want to do is wrong (I'm not debating that the SEIU is crazy, they are), but this is hardly what I would call "truth".
Again, if you really have cold hard facts that a dictatorship of the proletarian is about to be established in the US, please provide us with them. Until then, like every sensationalized, fear mongering article like this that has come up since the Red Scare of the 1920's, I'll just take it with a grain of salt and wait to see what happens.
Of course, as the Manifesto dictates, the Revolution should happen in one of the worlds most industrialized nations... ;)

Show me where I stated that a dictatorship of the proletarian is about to be established in the US.

Strawman much?

Fear mongering? Now that IS sensationalism........fear is a byproduct of ignorance, knowledge is power.

My sincere hope is that none of this stuff comes to fruition and my goal of posting this info is to simply help folks be aware of what is going on around them.

I wasn't on the debate team in HS nor do I have a history degree. In don't know your background; you're probably a lot smarter than I am and better educated. However, it doesn't take a PhD to recognize when something smells like dogcrap and I'm sure not going to try and pass it off as chocolate pudding........


Well-Known Member
Highland Springs
I think he's asking for this research. If it's so easy to find, then you won't have a problem sourcing it. I'm sure there is a wealth of independently verifiable information out there from sources that don't have an active interest in this.

In academia, research needs to be from a source other than....itself. You can't have 10 people get together for a crazy ad-lib party, then quote each other and expect that to be good enough. Lots of people manufacture fire in the minds of people by planting their own seeds of smoke. We call those people conspiracy theorists and cult leaders, and thankfully their brand of crazy only works on people who really want to believe there is a reason why life is a struggle and they don't have a fancy car, huge bank account, and the power to do whatever they want, whenever they want.

Information needs to be independently verifiable, and unfortunately this sort of thing has a little something called "all of American and human history" working against it.

7-5 "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."

Rules for Radicals-Saul Alinsky


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
7-5 "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."

Rules for Radicals-Saul Alinsky

"17: Regurgitating everything you hear on the internet because it sounds smart is a sure fire way to convince other dumb people that you are smart"

"27: The best defense for an indefensible position is to change the subject, and/or to play the part of the oppressed (yet informed!) minority.

"101 ways to incorrectly formulate an argument"-- Cody McKendrick

I really don't have a dog in this fight, and I didn't even waste my time or the bandwidth to listen to the drivel you posted at the beginning of this. I've heard it dozens of times, and studied countless hours on key elements of social movements in history, so I don't feel like I even need to. It sounds to me like another example of someone trying to assign blame to someone or something else for why life is hard and itemize all the ways people have undermined the system that was supposed to make life a cake walk. Boo hoo.

If you lived in Japan you would probably dig up some youtube video about Big Oil conspiring to set off an underground earthquake to show the unreliability of nuclear energy thus increasing the world's dependence on oil.

In fact, I bet a little internet search could connect some dots ha ha. See how easy it is to manufacture motivation?


Who Dares Wins
Show me where I stated that a dictatorship of the proletarian is about to be established in the US.

Strawman much?
A dictatorship of the prolitarian is what Marxist/Leninism was all about! It's what the SEIU is agitating for. It is what you are fearing! Read the Manifesto! Read the writings of Engles and Lenin. Read about the COMINTERN!

Fear mongering? Now that IS sensationalism........fear is a byproduct of ignorance, knowledge is power.
Yes fear mongering. You post this crap up to try to scare people. Fear is a byproduct of ignorance (or sheer terror) and clearly you are ignorant on much of the history of this movement.

My sincere hope is that none of this stuff comes to fruition and my goal of posting this info is to simply help folks be aware of what is going on around them.

I wasn't on the debate team in HS nor do I have a history degree. In don't know your background; you're probably a lot smarter than I am and better educated. However, it doesn't take a PhD to recognize when something smells like dogcrap and I'm sure not going to try and pass it off as chocolate pudding........

My history degree specialized in Post War Eastern Europe.


Well-Known Member
Highland Springs
A dictatorship of the prolitarian is what Marxist/Leninism was all about! It's what the SEIU is agitating for. It is what you are fearing! Read the Manifesto! Read the writings of Engles and Lenin. Read about the COMINTERN!

Yes fear mongering. You post this crap up to try to scare people. Fear is a byproduct of ignorance (or sheer terror) and clearly you are ignorant on much of the history of this movement.

My history degree specialized in Post War Eastern Europe.

I've read the Manifesto, and a bit on Lenin and Engles. Sounds like we are in agreement on SEIUs goals. To clarify, I don't feel that they will be achieving least not in the US anytime soon, if we recognize their tactics, never. My goal was truly to share this info to educate and discuss, not incite fear. I own the failure of delivery.

Cody, that was a shot, I'll admit that. You are off the mark, however, I love oil, am pro-nuke, life is hard, you get what you earn and bad stuff happens, good stuff does too.


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
I've read the Manifesto, and a bit on Lenin and Engles. Sounds like we are in agreement on SEIUs goals. To clarify, I don't feel that they will be achieving least not in the US anytime soon, if we recognize their tactics, never. My goal was truly to share this info to educate and discuss, not incite fear. I own the failure of delivery.

Cody, that was a shot, I'll admit that. You are off the mark, however, I love oil, am pro-nuke, life is hard, you get what you earn and bad stuff happens, good stuff does too.

love is a pretty strong word to use, but hey it's good to know that you're in touch with your feelings.
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Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I've read the Manifesto, and a bit on Lenin and Engles. Sounds like we are in agreement on SEIUs goals. To clarify, I don't feel that they will be achieving least not in the US anytime soon, if we recognize their tactics, never. My goal was truly to share this info to educate and discuss, not incite fear. I own the failure of delivery.

Cody, that was a shot, I'll admit that. You are off the mark, however, I love oil, am pro-nuke, life is hard, you get what you earn and bad stuff happens, good stuff does too.

I can get on board with this. Nothing wrong with putting ideas out there.

I still hate you, Cody.

I don't think you understand the sheer gravitas of that statement, or it wouldn't have been said.


Well-Known Member
Highland Springs
More from Lerner

I payed back my student loans and I pay my mortgage payment, I honor my contractual obligations. I do my best to live within my means and avoid debt. I have money saved for times when extra is needed.

The 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) compelled banks to make loans to low-income borrowers and in what the supporters of the Act call "communities of color" that they might not otherwise make based on purely economic criteria.

Banks that were pressured by the government to loan money to people who couldn't afford to repay their contractual mortgage obligations should not be penalized for trying to collect on the money and interest owed. Nor should the rest of us who pay our bills and live within our means have the costs of a bailout added to our taxpayer obligation.

If there is a villan here, it is the supporters and enforces of the CRA, as well as those in Congress who claimed there was no reason to add oversight to the sub-prime lending practice, when signs were pointing to a market crash.

This agenda of "revolting against the system" promotes the entitlement mentality that created the sub-prime meltdown to begin with. How convenient it is, that they created a problem (people who can't afford a home should own one), present a solution (make banks loan them the money and assume the risk) and when their solution failed (we can't afford our mortgage.....who saw that coming?), blame is shifted and revolt is incited. (Wall St. and Banks are evil, get em!)