Nate’s longterm tiny shop build


Smooth Gang Founding Member
You can thank this super fun sickness I’ve had for the lack of updates. I’m finally back on my feet - ish today so here we go.
Sheetrock and stucco guys were doing work over the weekend. Saturday the weather was getting SKETCHY with some big wind gusts and a little bit of moisture. You can see it in the sky in this pic.
That’s as far as the stucco guys got before the wind sent them packing. The sheetrock guy got a lot done in a couple half days- by himself.
Then Sunday the stucco guys came back and worked on it in the rain. When it started snowing they said ¡No mas! and went home. Don’t blame them.
The sheetrock guy came and finished up yesterday. Another guy is going to come tape/mud/texture but it sounds like that might not be until next week. I’m super happy with how it’s looking!
I think it’s noteworthy how bright it is in there with the skylights and white walls. No lights. I’m grateful to those that recommended the skylights!!! 😘😘😘

Oh and the stucco guys put the flashing in for the guys that are coming to do the thin brick, hopefully later this week. I found a guy I like and accepted his bid. I’m excited to get that done as well.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Thing is looking awesome. I would've loved skylights in mine if I didn't do the storage attic. Since mine is my garage and not just shop space 😢
If I was in a situation where I could’ve gotten more overall height out of mine I would’ve likely gone the attic space route as well FWIW. I didn’t think it was worth it with 14’ overall and 10’ walls. I wanted an attic I could stand up in or at least crouch. 4’ is still hands and knees for me.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Stucco brown coat, thin brick and first round of mudding/taping done a few days ago.
But wait, I went into the office today (I go in 2x monthly) and something has to go wrong.
Brick guy calls and starts out by apologizing… they came out to pick up the check and apparently they spray vinegar on their work when they’re done and it just makes it look good. I don’t know the science behind that shit but apparently it made all of it turn white so they had to tear it off and will re-do it. He said he’s been doing this for 47 years and never seen this. I feel bad for them but he is right when he says “it’s not your problem” and I appreciate that sentiment. The moral of the story is going into the office is gay.


Pleasant Grove
Stucco brown coat, thin brick and first round of mudding/taping done a few days ago.
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But wait, I went into the office today (I go in 2x monthly) and something has to go wrong.
View attachment 172723
Brick guy calls and starts out by apologizing… they came out to pick up the check and apparently they spray vinegar on their work when they’re done and it just makes it look good. I don’t know the science behind that shit but apparently it made all of it turn white so they had to tear it off and will re-do it. He said he’s been doing this for 47 years and never seen this. I feel bad for them but he is right when he says “it’s not your problem” and I appreciate that sentiment. The moral of the story is going into the office is gay.
My brother built a shop/office space building for leasing a few years ago and the company he hired to do the rock work on the exterior used a special type of mortar that was supposed to be amazing for holding the rock to the concrete wall, but turns out it was horrible stuff and the building constantly has the fascia rock falling off and the company’s response is just “call us anytime rocks come off and we’ll come fix them”


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Yes, this.
My brother built a shop/office space building for leasing a few years ago and the company he hired to do the rock work on the exterior used a special type of mortar that was supposed to be amazing for holding the rock to the concrete wall, but turns out it was horrible stuff and the building constantly has the fascia rock falling off and the company’s response is just “call us anytime rocks come off and we’ll come fix them”
We had quite a few pieces of the faux rock fall off our old house. It sucked. The work these guys did looked better than the work the builder did on the house, even when it was fresh. I'm bummed for them since they have to redo it but also 🤷‍♂️


Well-Known Member
Stucco brown coat, thin brick and first round of mudding/taping done a few days ago.
View attachment 172721
View attachment 172722
But wait, I went into the office today (I go in 2x monthly) and something has to go wrong.
View attachment 172723
Brick guy calls and starts out by apologizing… they came out to pick up the check and apparently they spray vinegar on their work when they’re done and it just makes it look good. I don’t know the science behind that shit but apparently it made all of it turn white so they had to tear it off and will re-do it. He said he’s been doing this for 47 years and never seen this. I feel bad for them but he is right when he says “it’s not your problem” and I appreciate that sentiment. The moral of the story is going into the office is gay.
Maybe the rock was limestone of some sort? Since it’s a base, it reacts with the vinegar, turns ashy white. We use crushed limestones as a neutralizer at work for our boiler condensates so it isn’t nearly as acidic when it hits the cast iron drains.

Glad he’s fixing it, that’s a good guy!


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Stucco and plaster done. I have a lot of stucco left over which is good cause I’m still not 100% pleased with a few little spots. I got sick of trying to explain to the main guy how it should be finished and his guys cut some corners for sure. I think a big part of it is culture differences tbh and that makes it difficult. I’m overall happy with it, just little stuff they did that was dumb but I’ll either deal with it or fix myself. No biggie.
The Sheetrock guy also snuck in there and textured it yesterday while I was in Delta. I think he’s done but I’ll talk to the contractor guy tomorrow and check. It looks good!


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Oh wow that looks amazing.
Thanks man!

It looks great! When's the move-in party?
If I make it through DCRC this weekend without dying from stress, I will paint the inside next week. Then put in all the outlets, hang the lights and it's off to the races! Garage door install will hopefully line up well with that. It shoud be in the next week or two. I'd prefer to paint before it's installed anyways.

tswift mural against HOA policy?

Either way, looking good!
That'll be inside the shop :rofl: