Trip Report Hanging Tree Run - Washed Out!


I run a tight ship... wreck
We had a very capable and fun group for Saturdays Hanging Tree Trail run, 6 capable rigs with very skilled drivers.... and it still pushed our groups abilities! Along for the trip was @Bart in his CJ, Jared in his YJ, @UPNO4 (Matt) in his LJ, Derrick in his LJ, and @Pile of parts in his CJ. I was leading the group in my TJ.



Driving into the canyon, we noticed that there has been a massive amount of water running down the canyon and so much material washed into and out of the narrow little wash. Right off the bat it was very washed out, with a 4' drop next to the trail. As we headed into the start, the massive rocks were rolling around under us and much of the small rock had been washed out around them, making the trail way more challenging than I've ever seen it. There were no tire tracks before ours, so it felt like we were breaking a new trail after all the changes!


We picked our way thru the lower portion of the trail, with certain obstacles completely changed and almost unrecognizable from past trips. We had to be pretty cautious and do a bit more spotting than usual, but the challenge was welcome and we all were having a good time. Making progress thru all the different challenges often required spotting and I was struggling up front. There were many loose boulders that rolled under my TJ, lots of deep washouts to be navigated and even several spots where big trees were blocking or covering the trail.








We had plans to take lunch around Noon, but shortly before that time the skies darkened. We were over half way into the trail and it started raining.... lightly at first, then it changed into a massive downpour. The forecast for the day mentioned storms in the afternoon, but it was early!! We got drenched, the trail got slick and muddy in no time at all! Luckily the rain only lasted about 20 minutes, then it cleared out and we had blue skies again. The water running down the canyon picked up, but it wasn't quite a flash flood... like a previous trip. During the peak of the rain, Bart was negotiating a very washed out dirt V-notch and it got slick and nasty... his rear axle slid into the bottom and he was very sideways. We winched him back semi-level in the middle of the rain storm with Jared's YJ and got him out of the sticky situation. Getting everyone past this point took some very careful spotting.


We decided to eat lunch on the go and get off the trail before the rain returned. The rest of the trail was more challenging than usual, the dirt (now mud) and large boulders made for maintaining traction and forward progress much more difficult.



I run a tight ship... wreck
It wasn't too long before we were at Gordo's Launch, the waterfall at the end of the trail. I didn't stop to wait for anyone because I figured I'd struggle getting up it again... put it in 2nd gear, hit it from the bottom with lots of momentum and shot up, getting the front-end over... then had to really lay into the throttle to get the rest of the way up! Surprised me, but I was stoked to get up on the first try!

Bart was up next and he gave it a good try, then backed to the bottom and had the right amount of momentum this time... got the front tires airborne and made it up as well!

Jared was next and with just enough throttle and the perfect amount of momentum, he went right up!

Matt was in line and he put his sticky Krawlers to the test... his LJ damn near crawled right up, making it look way too easy. It was awesome to watch, those tires worked amazing!

Derrick had to give it a few attempts and his transmission wasn't getting the right gear at first, but once it did he was up as well.

Jason gave it hell and several valiant attempts, but with all the mud and water all over the waterfall from the previous vehicles, it just wasn't meant to be.

We got to the main dirt road and dark clouds started moving in again, our group was beat and the road out was a bit muddy in places and we didn't want to get any more wet so we cruised down the mountain and back to the staging area. It was a very fun and challenging trip, but we made it out without any serious breakage, didn't get washed away in a flood. Thanks to all that came out, everyone kept a good attitude and level heads when things got messy and was more than willing to jump in and assist others when needed.

*** I'll be adding pics and video as I upload them, feel free to share yours!!***


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Sounds like a blast! I need to make it down there and run it again sometime as it’s been way too long.


Evanston, WY
If the trail has changed that much, maybe the obstacles should be renamed. Instead of the Hub Scratcher, it could be called Tumbling Boulders. Instead of the Car Wash, it could be called the Flood Gate. Just kidding - grin.

Pile of parts

Well-Known Member
South Jordan
I had a great time! Great bunch of people and nice to meet a couple I hadn't met. The rain and mud certainly added to the challenge - at least for me... It could have been a lot worse! Nice way to spend the day. Thanks, @Greg for putting this together and to all that came.
Here are some pictures. I'll post video of everyone making the Waterfall look easy.20240817_092934.jpg20240817_093033.jpg20240817_093135.jpg20240817_093313.jpg

Pile of parts

Well-Known Member
South Jordan
I got to the Waterfall just in time to see @Bart front wheels in the air and then go over the top. The rest of the group made it over like it wasn't even a thing... Between my fear of nailing that rock nub at the top with my driver front tire and the fact that I'd spent half of the trail maxing out thr RPMs on that poor 5.3, I gave it a few attempts, but got nowhere close to making it. I will say that my new tires made the wet rocks approach feel much less like an ice skating rink than when I was here last year with my old, bald TSL SXs.



I run a tight ship... wreck
It was a great day on the trail for sure. One for the record books. That was my 6th or so time on the trail, and it was all completely new, except for the last waterfall.

Memorable for sure! That rain changed the trail in no time at all. It's always fun to wheel with you Bart, and neat to see your grandson getting into it!


New Member
Those are some awesome pictures.
I got invited to go ride the trail with an off-road recovery group, but those pics make it look like more than my stock Bronco will comfortably do.
I've done Hell's Revenge, but that looks like much bigger obstacles.


somewhat damaged
Those are some awesome pictures.
I got invited to go ride the trail with an off-road recovery group, but those pics make it look like more than my stock Bronco will comfortably do.
I've done Hell's Revenge, but that looks like much bigger obstacles.
You'd be wise to not take a full body rig through Hanging Tree. A shorter wheelbase will help in some of the tight stuff but you're gonna risk a lot of body damage.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Ummmm and tie rod failure…

My BIL was texting me last night for advice on how to keep his tie rods alive on his Bronco. I could send him the video of HT and that pretty much sums it up lol “don’t do stuff like this”