I had a friend, a very interesting friend with a very interesting past (born in Ireland, served in the navy here, used the GI bill to become a meatcutter/butcher and worked in artisan meats (charcuterie, sausages, etc), then taught himself graphic design and web design and started a very successful agency, then fired all of his customers and spent a year in the mountains of Peru, then came back and got a masters in Psychology, and just recently finished a PHD in some other Pshychology field....he's also like 6'2", 240, bald head, massive beard, tattooed head to toe, big stretched ears........not the person you'd expect to be this person if you saw him on the street....
At any rate, he likes to do unique things and probably 10 years ago or so he decided he wanted backyard chickens. He didn't know anything about them, but bought/built a very nice chicken house in his yard then responded to an add on KSL to buy some chickens. He went out there and the lady took one look at him and said "these are pretty rare chickens and are really expensive, (some pointless redbreasted chicken hawk/peacock chicken breed that nobody cares about outside of maybe the fair or an FFA competition), so maybe you should look for some more basic (cheaper) chickens for your coup". Of course, being that they were considered to be some pointless rare chicken that none of his friends would have, he instantly knew that despite this women's urgings, these were in fact, the chickens he wanted. As he tells it, he asked her how much they were and in his head he was prepared to spend up to $1000 per chicken to have these pointless rare chickens. I guess they were $30 or something so he bought all of them, much to this lady's surprise.
Well he gets these pointless chicken homes and eventually figures out that a couple of them are roosters and are making an ungodly racket in his yard at ungodly hours. Probably similar to your friends' chicken. He tried to find a place to rehome these pointless and noisy roosters, but none of the animal places would take them. So he did what any one of us would do, and took the pointless chickens up to the Hogle Zoo and threw them over the fence.
Perhaps that would be a solution to your friend's problem? Surely the zoo would take care/find a use for the chicken?