Anyone have fuel injectors cleaned? Where?

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
I'm talking gasoline injectors, not diesel. (if it makes a difference) I have 6 injectors that are currently off the engine and are pretty dirty, so having them cleaned seems like a good idea. A quick search only shows one real option: Mastertech Fuel Injector Service in SLC. I see several mechanic-type places that claim to offer cleaning, but they all seem to have the same copy-paste text about what they do. Dave's Automotive, and Richins Auto are two I saw.

Any experience anyone can share? Or DIY methods?
15 years ago there was a place I used several times. Want to say it was on state street in salt lake. Dave’s sounds familiar, but maybe not. It was a regular repair shop. They cleaned and flow tested them.
No idea if this is bad or not but I kind of cleaned the injectors myself on the jeep engine. I soaked them in purple power then rigged up some wiring to open and close them while I shot air through them. I was able to verify each was opening and closing and got an idea of the mist pattern each one had. I then installed new o rings on both ends. The jeep runs great so I don’t think I hurt anything doing that.
Another option is an ultrasonic cleaner from HF. I hear they work good.
I've mailed injectors off to Accurate Injector Service in Lake Havasu a couple times, they've always had a good turnaround.

The only place I've used locally was across the street from Crankshaft Grinders on 300w but I don't think they're there anymore.
I had the injectors out of the LJ cleaned at Dave's. The injectors seemed fine. But I had the head and manifolds off and was cleaning/replacing everything while I was at it. After cleaning, two of the injectors leaked. Dave's replaced them, but with chicom pieces that also started to leak. And I ended up buying six new OEM injectors on GP.

I can't really say that the cleaning had anything to do with two previously perfectly fine injectors starting to leak. But the fact they gave them back to me in that state, was less than reassuring with the process. And I was less than thrilled with ebay grade chicom replacements for my factory injectors. Especially when they almost immediately started to leak too. And even more especially when replacing them with factory parts made the problems disappear.


A million years ago, they weren’t cheap. I imagine it’s worse now. Seems like I recall them costing about half the price of a new injector. If that’s still the case I’d probably just buy new ones.