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  1. Homefryy

    Cooler Experience - Opinions

    Took me a minute to figure out why he used a cooler to prop his boat up.
  2. Homefryy


    I do this sometimes. If you are driving from one store to another and want to reduce how much you are touching your face and mask it makes sense to just leave it on. If you have a reasonably comfortable mask there isn't much reason to take it off if you are just going to put it back on in 5...
  3. Homefryy

    Lets see your wild animal pics/vids.

    Came across 2 bighorn sheep (only got a good pic of one of them) on the White Rim Road a couple of weeks ago.
  4. Homefryy

    Ford 2021 Ford Bronco

    You told her about @Jesser04 's only fans?
  5. Homefryy

    Ford 2021 Ford Bronco

    Looks like an alleged list of options for the Bronco got leaked. Engines: 2.3L EcoBoost 2.7L EcoBoost Transmissions: 7 speed manual 10 speed...
  6. Homefryy

    What's the latest in battery chargers these days?

    My current battery charger is a $20 solar charge controller with an old 18v laptop power supply wired to it instead of a solar panel. Works well so far.
  7. Homefryy

    OBDII Scanner Recommendations

    I have had this Bluetooth adapter for 4 years and have been happy with it. I don't believe it works with iPhones but it is great with an Android phone. I use it all the time in my XJ to monitor engine temps and display my GPS speed since my speedometer is off...
  8. Homefryy


    Saw this same guy at the AutoZone on the corner of Redwood and California yesterday except he was also flat towing a pickup truck behind the trailer. I couldn't get far enough away to get a picture of the whole long train.
  9. Homefryy


    Spotted this guy on a beer run. I thought it was motorized when he was waiting for the light to change but then he started peddling.
  10. Homefryy

    Parts Bins Opinions

    When it fits I cut labels off the boxes that screws come in and tape them to my bins for labels.
  11. Homefryy

    The "trophy husband" pro mod buggy build

    Is that a 2 week supply so you can limit grocery store runs?
  12. Homefryy

    Parts Bins Opinions

    I have 1 each of the below. They come with drawer dividers so you can split drawers into smaller areas if you want. I like that the drawers are easy to remove so you can pull a bin of screws out and take them to wherever you are doing a project. Akro-Mils 10144 D 20-Inch by 16-Inch by...
  13. Homefryy

    Yard maintenance

    I am not an expert but I have gotten a bit obsessed with my lawn since buying my first home a year ago. Most of my knowledge comes from reading rather than experience so I may be wrong. You mentioned that it appears that the roots of the grass are completely gone. This makes me thing it is a...
  14. Homefryy

    Wanted Laptop power supply

    I have what you are looking for. It's a spare that I would like back eventually but don't mind loaning it out for a while. I will PM you my number. Edit: never mind just saw your update that you got one.
  15. Homefryy


    They revised their predictions because they are locking everything down. That 500k deaths number would still be valid if people were allowed to go about their business as usual.
  16. Homefryy


    This is 100% false. The 500k death prediction was if nothing was done. Now that the UK is locking things down the predicted number of deaths is much lower.
  17. Homefryy


    The hope is that we buy some time to get testing ramped up so infections can be identified and isolated as well as hospitals get better prepared to handle more cases so they don't get overwhelmed. I don't think they have solid proof if people can get reinfected or not so the safe assumption at...
  18. Homefryy

    Lighten the mood

  19. Homefryy


    I am flying to Seattle for work tomorrow morning. Anybody want me to bring back some coronavirus for them? Get it early and get treated before the hospitals fill up (unless it turns out that you can be infected a 2nd time which looks like it may be a possibility).
  20. Homefryy

    Weekend Furnace Repair Parts Needed

    Thank you! I talked to Zak and he is able to get the part for me today so I should be all set.