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  1. spencurai

    Quadcopter Videos

    I fly both. My Inspire1 has a 720p live stream from the camera so it's a mixture of watching the craft and composing the shot.
  2. spencurai

    Quadcopter Videos

    Here's a compilation of shots from last year This is some of the stuff from EJS I did last year Nitto tires Maxxis tires A short film we entered in the Optima Battery Film...
  3. spencurai

    Quadcopter Videos

    We gotta get you set up with some anti-jello mounts for your camera and probably a prop balancer. Fixes a lot of the issues with wavy-gravy jello footage!
  4. spencurai

    Thinking about building a "Cheap" Quadcopter.

    flight test is a fantastic resource and their YouTube build videos are great. I did a couple builds with my brother last weekend an pad they would be great for scouts!
  5. spencurai

    Helicopters/drones for filming

    The cameras are all going to suck on something that small. I personally wouldn't spend more than 50-60$ on a trainer quad.
  6. spencurai

    Thinking about building a "Cheap" Quadcopter.

    None of them work very well and unless you're going to throw down several thousand dollars, none of them will have collision avoidance.
  7. spencurai

    Thinking about building a "Cheap" Quadcopter.

    You will need to check the product page for the ESCs to see if multicopter firmware is installed on the ESCs...multicopter motors operate in a slightly different manner than regular RC ESCs so you might need to flash the firmware to something like SimonK. There are firmware flashing adapters and...
  8. spencurai

    Thinking about building a "Cheap" Quadcopter.

    I would go with the Turnigy 9X series radio/receiver....they are super hackable and are really good radios for the ~60-70$ price tag. Basically Turnigy ripped off a lot of other more expensive radios and did a fantastic job. You can swap modules and flash firmware to get similar functionality to...
  9. spencurai

    Helicopters/drones for filming

    Always buy a little <50$ quad to learn on. You will crash it...A LOT!!!
  10. spencurai

    Vasectomy, the big V, the Snip. etc...

    It was the best decision I've ever done as I don't want miniature versions of me running should all be thanking me! I went to dinner with friends a couple hours after. Sore for a couple days. No decrease in performance...quite the opposite actually!
  11. spencurai

    CSC RX3 Cyclone (California Scooter Company) Adventure Bike

    Looks bitchen...but...I'm a giant American and unless the rear sprocket is the size of a pizza pan with a motor that spins 20K RPM, it isn't going to work for me :( I'm glad China is stepping up their game though!
  12. spencurai

    Drones...should you be scared for your privacy?

    lol nemesis!!
  13. spencurai

    Drones...should you be scared for your privacy?

    OK so maybe I'm not being clear...Peeping with a drone doesn't really work. The basic optics and zoom of 99% of drones out there matches the perspective of the human eye. What this means is that if you see a drone, imagine that is the head of the pilot of said drone if he were floating up in the...
  14. spencurai

    Drones...should you be scared for your privacy?

    I'm not saying people won't try to use this technology to try and peep but like I said, it is hard to miss the sound of 4 weed whackers flying around. There are inconsiderate people out there and they should have a talking to by law enforcement and a lesson in basic etiquette. This technology...
  15. spencurai

    Drones...should you be scared for your privacy?

    Nope. I have been doing a lot of filming for a project lately and have been approached by several people asking about drones and privacy. I do my best to explain to them that drones are relatively harmless and are not at all stealthy enough in civilian settings to do any real spying that could...
  16. spencurai

    Overland Trailer, local Teardrop builder

    Yeah mine was torsion... Still rode like hell though... No real way to put a shock on a torsion setup. The only time I heated mine was new years at lava hot springs... Negative eighth was a bit too cold lol.
  17. spencurai

    Overland Trailer, local Teardrop builder

    The benefit of a teardrop is that you can pretty much camp all 4 seasons in comfort. The small layout of the trailers means you really have to like the person you are sleeping next to...not a problem if things are good in the relationship but can get a little weird after a fight lol. Suspension...
  18. spencurai

    I'm calling it...the XJ is the new Samurai.

    WHOA WHOA WHOA...don't get your panties all up in a bunch, let me explain! The Suzuki Samurai was the bargain basement, entry level 4x4. You could pick one up for 500$ back in the day though you could pay more if you were an idiot. The motors were adequate for moving a vehicle that weighed...
  19. spencurai

    Reliance DVD question for the old timers

    I just showed Loren Healy and he LOVES that video it's his favorite! He's watched it hundreds of times! You made his day!
  20. spencurai

    Reliance DVD question for the old timers

    Is Jeremy alive still? Can we talk him into uploading type YouTube? Lol