Search results

  1. SAMI

    SAMI's '85 Toyota 4Runner

    The current owner of this 4runner has finally surfaced. He came across photos of the 4runner over on, and started inquiring as to who had owned it. I dug up trip reports and videos to send him, and thought that I may as well post them in this thread, for posterity. I miss this...
  2. SAMI

    RME skateboard meeting

    ^ With a cigar and jar of alcohol... while wearing elbow pads and a helmet not buckled. That would be awesome. I can picture Steve doing that right now, and it's glorious.
  3. SAMI

    Steve's '94 Toyota x-cab mild build

    What wheels did you end up with?
  4. SAMI

    wilderness first responder course

    Sponsoring group? Why does there need to be a sponsoring group?
  5. SAMI

    Scott Price's old 4 seater buggy

    Someone had better buckle that rear axle back up. ... The stirrups are a nice touch. :barf:
  6. SAMI

    wilderness first responder course

    ^ We can hold it at Teraflex? That's so nice of you... ;)
  7. SAMI

    wilderness first responder course

    I'm interested, and would be in depending on where the class is held (fuel for getting there :( ). Those weeks work for me so long as one of the weekends does not interfere with the Old School Rockcrawl (May 13-14).
  8. SAMI

    These guys know how to wheel!

    $10 says that the dude in the bed accidentally shot the guy in the front window.
  9. SAMI

    Archived PSH Clean-up 2011

    No problem. I'll pitch a few bucks on my next paycheck.
  10. SAMI

    Archived PSH Clean-up 2011

    I passed this on to some other forums.. You should see a donation from
  11. SAMI

    Time for a Four Seater - Buggy Build

    Hey, I'd rather have an over-built cage than an under-built cage. You're little ones are worth the extra protection.
  12. SAMI

    Time for a Four Seater - Buggy Build

    Jungle gym!
  13. SAMI

    Turning my tow rig into an expedition camper

    Might need to relocate the CB antenna on the truck. Awesome build.
  14. SAMI

    Slow Down and Move Over

    I can't stand it when someone goes to pass a semi-truck (from either side) and immediately move into the lane right in front of them. I see that one all the time. Do people really not understand why the big trucks leave a big gap up front?
  15. SAMI

    Cruiser Outfitters - A few good men...

    Joseph (JL Rockies), Lewis, and Steve (sixstringsteve) working away. Lewis is amazing with a mop Rick (Ricsrx) pulling up burnt ply wood Stephen N, clearly following safety guidelines. Don't worry he has a safety wire attached to the ceiling. A very sooty faced Kurt..
  16. SAMI

    Slow Down and Move Over

    I'm not a jackass, jackass.. Whose the one with their head 2" from the speeding car? I'll getcha next time.. All kidding aside, I fult agree with you.. Move over and give room. I always make it a point to move over even of it clearly inconveniences someone's commute by 20 seconds.. Heaven forbid.
  17. SAMI

    Battle : Los Angeles

    An intense, yet fun cinematic adventure. The plot isn't anything new per se (Independence Day), but it's current day so the CGI is far better than any movie of it's type (story wise). Despite most parts being predictable, the movie as a whole still kept me on the edge of my seat. My wife really...
  18. SAMI

    Yota Mutt Build

    Sweet. Mother.
  19. SAMI

    Steve's '94 Toyota x-cab mild build

    In all reality, you could throw on a more common sized(back spacing) set of wheels with 4, or 4.5" of BS. Then decide if you like that, or if you'd want the wheel pulled in toward the frame more. I think the 17x8 soft 8's that I had were 3.5" BS.