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  1. T

    my new obama edition jeep!

    How is it Obama's fault that the American auto industry cant stand on its own 2 feet? How is it Obama's fault that AIG and others pay there execs millions and give them even more when they leave the company, and in between they take everyone to Cabo for massages and drinks? I don't get what...
  2. T

    New to 4x4s...glad to be here

    Thanks for the info. I got a "duffle bag" to start throwing some stuff in. Yeah I dont want to spend a ton on another "hobby" but I wanna do it right the first saves money in the long run! Dutch
  3. T

    New to 4x4s...glad to be here

    Thanks for the warm welcome! Dutch
  4. T

    New to 4x4s...glad to be here

    How's it going guys? Just picked up an 87 4runner for $500. It runs (after some work of course) and is pretty decent! I was a tech for Honda for a while. So working on vehicles isnt new to me..but Toyota's are something new for me. So far its been easy to work on..but the power of it leaves...